FOCUS. It’s almost an oxymoron when you’re a mom… yet I still pursue it every day. And now that I’m back to working regularly, I seek it even more. Re-entering the workforce after being home for a few years (or more than a few years) isn’t easy. It takes FOCUS. A few weeks ago I…
The dreams I want to share with my daughters.
The following post originally appeared on The Right Start blog. Dreams. We all have them… some come true, many don’t. I’ve thought and written a lot about dreams… maybe too much. Like any mom, I want my daughters to have their dreams (knowing that many of their dreams won’t come true… and that’s ok). But I…
FAST FOOD. Easy fall veggies.
I’m not a pro-chef, but I do like to cook… but I often don’t have time for it. Here’s a fast and foolproof solution for the daily “I’m-tired-of-coming-up-with-things-for-dinner” dilemma: EASY FALL VEGGIES: OILING AND BROILING. My faves to do this with? Potatoes, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, butternut squash. Even my picky girls eat up when veggies are cooked…
Mom Style: The uniform reinvented (but just as comfy).
What’s your mom style? My recent assignment for Hallmark Channel’s “Home & Family”: Glam-up, trend-up and one-up the mom-uniform. Actually, it wasn’t assigned… I kinda came up with it and pitched it with hopes producers would like it. I mean, this blog is called ‘The Fab Mom’ and all, but please… I am human… I…
FUN? Toddlers at a fancy event.
I’m hoping you sense the irony in my title? “FUN: Toddlers at a fancy event” pretty much goes against everything I believe in and is frankly a walking contradiction. Was it fun? Really? Formal events are my FAVORITE. Always have been. Always will be. Fabulous dresses, wine, frilly desserts… So when my two little devils angels were…
FINDS! Apps to get parents organized. {Home & Family}
I may only have toddlers, but let me tell you: The schedules are getting crazy. (And to think, I really don’t believe in overbooking my kids for playdates and lessons they’re not ready for.) My oldest enjoys a weekly dance class… as well as two mornings a week at preschool. We have never-ending artwork (from…
Parenting: Piecing together the princess problem.
Parenting. It can be a real piece of work these days. Don’t do this, don’t watch that, princesses are ‘evil.’ For some reason, this lifelong fan of Snow White found myself turning against princesses once I became a mom. Peer pressure? When LadyP busted into our lives, people would sweetly comment, “Oh what a little princess!”…