In the last week, I’ve gotten texts, emails, Facebook comments, tweets and RTs from the editor of my hometown newspaper and all sorts of sideways and hopeful questions from friends and family trying to get to the bottom of my recent piece in The Fresno Bee — the piece I wrote toying with the thought…
CBS Los Angeles: A mental health day well spent.
We all need a mental health day here and there — even if we don’t have any medically-diagnosed issues with our mental health. The old-school, tough-it-out side of me calls B.S. on this, but the modern mom side of me (working/mom-ing/thinking/cleaning/planning/doing) says hell yes. Am I turning soft? I think I’m evolving, that’s all. So…
The Austlen Entourage stroller will rock your world. For real.
DISCLOSURE: This post is part of a partnership with Austlen Baby Co. All opinions and experiences are my own. Follow their smart & savvy adventures in baby-strolling on the beach and smooth cargo-pushing on Facebook and Instagram! Get ready for a stroller that will rock your world — at the grocery store, at Disneyland, on…
CBS Los Angeles: Toddlers, iPads & parenting fails.
How do you feel about toddlers watching iPads? Hm. If you’ve followed me, you know I’ve been famous to claim my longstanding no-iPads-in-restaurants-rule as one of THE key reasons why my kids can (mostly) control themselves restaurants and public places. (I continue to be equally proud and pleasantly shocked about that, by the way… turns…
CBS Los Angeles: Raise boys to be great dads. HOW?!
How to raise a boy? Hell if I know, but I’ve got some ideas… As you know, I’m a mom of girls. Girl mom here. Lady power. Wonder women. I know what makes a good husband and dad, but I thought it’d be more interesting to ask LA-local moms about raising boys and what qualities…
CBS Los Angeles: Fending off Invisible Summer Dangers
Let’s get one thing straight: I’m not an alarmist. I’m pretty practical about safety-related topics. Common sense rules at my house. But, I found a few notable ‘hidden summer dangers’ for parents and caretakers to fend off for summer. Friendly reminders, people. Ah yes. Because June IS National Safety Month: For more practical tips and useful information about…
The lost skill my daughters must learn.
When was the last time you ate a real meal alone — in a legit restaurant — with no companion, no phone, no magazine, no one else that you knew to talk to? For me, it was on my trip to New York (for book work). I did it three times. No, wait. Four. Four? Yes,…