Reading my previous blog entry about letting myself go really pissed me off. So, today I reversed my ways…. YOU CAN TOO! Make yourself get back to your old-self in the first few weeks. Don’t let your husband forget about the sexy/fun/cute woman that he made the baby with in the first place!
Gross things I now do, thanks to LadyP.
So far, I’m getting the hang of this thing. I’m handling my baby, but I really looked at myself in the mirror today and did not like what I saw. UN-fabulous. I realize that this newborn phase will pass, and that I will return to some version of my old-self, but for now… here’s what…
MEDICAL-MONDAY: Babies and your blood pressure.
Just when I thought I was out-of-the-woods with this pregnancy thing, I find that I’m now dealing with postpartum high blood pressure. We discovered it during my last days of recovery in the hospital and I’ve been freaking out about it ever since (which I’m sure isn’t helping my situation). My doctor explained that this…
3 things I need… right now.
Baby clothes are fun and cute, but here’s my ‘new mom’ wish-list based on this last week. (Apologies to all of my friends-with-newborns that I’ve visited in the past… I didn’t know any better and took you outfits!!!!) 1) FOOD. Dinners and groceries are much appreciated (we love sweets, but please practice moderation… mommy needs…
One week’s worth of “Bad-Mom” activity.
Ok, so I’m exaggerating. I don’t think I’m a bad mom…. yet. 🙂 Yesterday was LadyP’s 1-week birthday! Yay! We are having a blast together, but I will admit to already racking up a few skeletons in my closet with her. Some might consider my behavior questionable parenting, but I like to think that it’s…
Tips from little LadyP!
What day is it? Seriously. I don’t know right now. Yeah, yeah… I’m slacking. No “Medical-Monday,” no “Celebri-Tuesday”… but I had a baby! A girl! And I will use her as an excuse for all things as long as I can… On this blog, we will call her LadyP! LIFE IS GOOD. 🙂 Since my…
MEDICAL-MONDAY: Induction and my losing battle.
I’m getting my ass kicked by a 7lb(ish) bully. As of 5pm today, I now have an appointment to be induced this week. (If you read my last post, you know that I’m dead-set against inducing labor.) My doctor called me around 8:30am this morning to playfully ask where our baby was… and to revisit options…