Guilt is a wasted emotion. I thank my own mom, my best friend to this day, for teaching me this early on in life. Guilt wastes time. Guilt wastes energy. Guilt wastes your youth away. Guilt will NOT make you a good mother… it will only distract you, push you down, question your own confidence…
FIND! Box Play for Kids. We’re stuck on ’em.
I forgot about the power of stickers… Until my 2.5 year old LadyP recently reintroduced them to me. If you happen to show up at my house unannounced these days, you will find stickers on my wall, stickers on my tables, stickers stickers stickers everywhere. Right now there’s a 3-inch little girl jumping rope stuck…
FAMOUS. Actress Traci Lords gives good… parenting advice? Yup.
Believe me, the fact that I’m featuring parenting advice of former X-Rated movie star Traci Lords is a little bit astonishing to me (ok, a LOT astonishing to me). Perhaps it’s a testament to the ‘filosophy’ of ‘things-you-never-thought-you’d-do-until-you-become-a-parent.’ (Also a testament to personal growth and evolution, if you wanna apply it to Lords herself.) I…
FIND! BECO Baby Carrier: All-new Soleil. {video}
I’m won’t lie: I’ve never been a baby-wearing mama. Some might say I once had a vendetta against it (for no good reason, I just don’t like the idea of feeling pregnant all over again after the baby is out). I’ve gotten major smack from my baby-carrying friends. But let’s let bygones be bygones. Two…
FUN. A big lesson from Disney Junior Live on Stage!
I now officially think it’s impossible for a mom to take her child to Disneyland for the first time and not cry. Because, yes, I CRIED. And, I learned something too… but I’ll get to that later. Frankly, I had nothing to cry about. Two-an-a-half LadyP and I were ecstatic to spend a day (her…
FUN+FACETIME. Celebrate little things with little people.
Recently I had a fabulous chat on Huffington Post Live with a bunch of cool moms. Led by the equally intelligent and adorable Nancy Redd, we all talked about whether we thought small “holidays” are too amped up these days (i.e.: Do we really need to commemorate Pi Day, etc?). Does recognizing every teeny weeny…
FUN. Match your kids so they’re friends as adults? Maybe.
From what some famous moms tell me (i.e.: Lori Loughlin on HuffPostLive last week), raising kids (especially sisters) to be friends as adults is all about creating a sense of teamwork. So in the spirit of that, I ask: Anyone else out there actually dress to match their kids… on purpose? Yup. Guilty guilty guilty. In…