Parenting. It can be a real piece of work these days. Don’t do this, don’t watch that, princesses are ‘evil.’ For some reason, this lifelong fan of Snow White found myself turning against princesses once I became a mom. Peer pressure? When LadyP busted into our lives, people would sweetly comment, “Oh what a little princess!”…
FILOSOPHY. Baby sisters & parenting.
I’m the big sister in my family. Between my little sister and I: I had to hold the broken flower together at one of our many childhood photoshoots… I had an earlier curfew in high school… I got in trouble for stupid things (while she did not). Why does she get away with that? I’d…
Parenting: Are strong girls really a good thing?
To say that I come from a family of strong women is an understatement. As a child, I remember my own mom ranting about how liberated she felt when she turned 40 (while igniting fearless confrontations of standing up for values she believed in). Both of my grandmothers are strong-willed with the things they say and…
Pools & Potty Training: Stop while you’re ahead.
Keeping life fab after babies requires rules (at least that’s what’s working for me). Some rules have been passed down (from my own mom’s experience and wisdom) and some rules are wacky-but-wise concepts that I’ve personally invented from my own trials-and-errors. Don’t leave the house without sippy-cups filled with water. Don’t take the girls to…
Toddler Discipline: The fabulous phrase my girls fall for.
All clever moms lie to their children… especially to toddlers. (I do…. I’m pretty sure Scary Mommy still does when she can get away with it.) This chocolate isn’t what you think it is, it’s really mommy’s medicine and tastes really yucky. This iced tea is also very very yucky. The Guy’s gonna come and shut down the…
Baby Bikinis: The truth about why we should use them.
Babies and bikinis… is this still controversial? When LadyP was an infant, I seriously bought a whole slew of bikinis for her little pudgy body to sport throughout her first summer and then I found out (suspense music here, dun dun dun dun) that it can be considered “offensive” to some to put little girls…
The trouble with pageants…
In the middle of my older toddler finally figuring out how to spit in the sink (yeah!) I was recently a panelist for HuffPostLive again in light of Miss Utah USA’s most recent evening-gown guffaw that’s gotten everyone talking about whether pageants are still relevant. Feel free to watch the whole chat and see what I…