Yup, I took my baby to a bar. I’ve sort of got a history of this. Relax, she didn’t smuggle a margarita or anything. Here’s my story before you start flipping out: I took my LilMiss (almost 2! can you believe it?) to our local bar (which also happens to be a normal restaurant on the…
FILOSOPHY: Stupid is not a bad word.
WARNING: This post can be considered a rant. On some roundabout level, I hope it inspires you to ignore and eradicate stupidity from your life, even if said stupidity is caused by outside forces. When you’re raising toddlers, stupid is a ‘bad’ word. Lately I’ve started to rethink this. Just the other day, I caught my…
FILOSOPHY: How to survive shopping with 2 or more kids.
Let’s not waste time: Shopping with kids is not always fun. The best way to shop with more than 2 kids is to leave them at home with a babysitter. But that type of luxury isn’t always possible or cost-efficient. Bummer. But it IS possible to make it bearable with a few tips and reminders…
FOCUSED: Enjoy the MOMents.
It’s Thankful week… Recently I made an on-air declaration (on Home & Family) about how I’ve been making an extra effort this past year to be thankful and enjoy the smaller moments that pop up in life. The little things. As in, the ‘Mom Moments’ (MOMents) of still being woken up in the middle of…
FACETIME. Lollipop toddlers & working moms. {VIDEO}
Thanks to legendary beauty reporter (and mom) Kym Douglas, a recent segment on Hallmark Channel’s “Home & Family” had the guts crazy absolutely risky fabulous idea to use a few of us regular personalities’ real-life toddlers on-camera. With us. Modeling Christmastime PJs. Shooting right during our regular naptime. IT TURNED INTO WHAT MAY BE THE BEST…
FINDS! JoyJars & Sydney Paige give back to kids!
The holidays are coming and I’m already turning into a real mother. I’m excited for the fabulous fun, but also dreading my girls getting generously-gifted an overabundant slew of junk toys that don’t do any *real* good in the world until after they outgrow them and we donate them to local families in need. Call…
The dreams I want to share with my daughters.
The following post originally appeared on The Right Start blog. Dreams. We all have them… some come true, many don’t. I’ve thought and written a lot about dreams… maybe too much. Like any mom, I want my daughters to have their dreams (knowing that many of their dreams won’t come true… and that’s ok). But I…