FUN-lanthropy = The art of learning about, educating your friends and giving back time and/or money to a charitable organization that does real good in our big bad world… while having a blast doing it. (It should be noted that this word was fabulously invented by TV personality and Board of Directors member for non-profit Mending Kids International, Dorothy Lucey.)…
Boo! 6 smart, spooktacular Halloween rules!
Be spooked. Be scared. Be very, very wary… I’ve never really gone all that crazy for Halloween, but as my girls get older and more into the costumes (and candy! lollipops! chocolate!), I’m learning how to say “Boo!” a whole lot better than years passed. Us parents need super-stealth Halloween tips these days. Wicked is as…
Paranoid Parenting: Stop freaking out, moms!
This morning, my two year old LilMiss accidentally took a quick swig of milk from her sippy that was chillin’ on our couch from the night before. (Yes, it’s presence slipped past me and I accidentally forgot to throw it in my dishwasher last night.) I saw her walking around with the cup after breakfast,…
Princess Problems… SOLVED.
Ah, princess problems. I’m in it again, people: Call it a princess place. Call it a princess problem. Call it a PRINCESS PALOOZA. Literally, call it a Princess Palooza. Because that’s the name I’ve obnoxiously-coined for my first-born’s upcoming 4th birthday party. PRINCESS PALOOZA. For real. I’m teetering on the edge, folks… teetering on the…
Back to Preschool: 5 reasons I’m bummed… and the thing that will make it better.
Yes, I’m a bit bummed about heading back to preschool soon. Sue me. Whaaaaat?!? I know… it’s not normal. Every mom in the universe and beyond will soon demand written proof of my sanity. “I can’t WAIT for school to start!” said one of my exasperated mom-friends when I saw her a few days ago. “I’m…
Parenting styles from the musical theater stage.
Tits up! (Now there’s a hot topic for discussing parenting styles. Stay with me, there’s a point.) Tits up! My fabulous musical theater teacher John Hall used to shout at all of us as we each walked onstage, one by one, to perform our assigned song for the day and then get constructively-critiqued and applauded and lauded and torn…
Parenting FAIL: Honest toddlers & inappropriate observations.
Parenting toddlers and their opinions and observations in public can be… interesting. Always fun. Eye-opening. Challenging. Sometimes embarrassing. “That silly guy has earrings!” Observed, shouted and pointed at with zero inhibition by my almost-4 year old, right in the middle of my most fave Nordstrom shoe department… just as the ‘guy with earrings’ (those big circle-things…