Back to school is here! How to prepare? Forget the cute backpacks — it’s much bigger than that. Thanks to smart+savvy longtime teacher Carly Anderson of Lipgloss and Crayons, I am stepping it UP and preparing my kids EMOTIONALLY (which sometimes means: don’t pick your nose!). Here’s what teachers want us to heed for back-to-school…
CBS Los Angeles: The teen-driver habit no one should ever smile about.
This recent FAB Mom segment on CBS Los Angeles news was tough. Tragic. Shocking. Sickening. Unbelievable. But it happened in spite of our disbelief, so we talked about it. (Pay no attention to the happy picture I posted on the title page of this post — believe me, Pat Harvey and I were *not smiling*…
CBS Los Angeles: The FBI just confirmed I was right.
I was right! I was right I was right I was right. (See, husband?) Cyber security for families is nothing to laugh at… because that little Furby can breach our privacy. This week, the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Internet Crime Complaint Center put out a public service announcement urging parents to “consider cyber security” before…
CBS Los Angeles: A mental health day well spent.
We all need a mental health day here and there — even if we don’t have any medically-diagnosed issues with our mental health. The old-school, tough-it-out side of me calls B.S. on this, but the modern mom side of me (working/mom-ing/thinking/cleaning/planning/doing) says hell yes. Am I turning soft? I think I’m evolving, that’s all. So…
CBS Los Angeles: Grab a pillowcase for child safety?!
You have a family emergency plan? My recent FAB Mom CBS Los Angeles segments challenged all of us to get focused this summer — get our kids drawing on pillowcases and get ourselves to learn infant/child CPR (the CPR challenge thanks to actress and mom-of-2 Blake Lively’s Instagram callout earlier this week)… But seriously: start…
CBS Los Angeles: Toddlers, iPads & parenting fails.
How do you feel about toddlers watching iPads? Hm. If you’ve followed me, you know I’ve been famous to claim my longstanding no-iPads-in-restaurants-rule as one of THE key reasons why my kids can (mostly) control themselves restaurants and public places. (I continue to be equally proud and pleasantly shocked about that, by the way… turns…
Moms & Careers: We lose HOW MUCH money?!
Have you punched in your numbers yet? I did. I won’t lie: It was a bit depressing. As someone who personally believes in the long-term family value of taking my career down a notch while my kids are small (so I can be home more, with them) I was shocked to discover the “lifetime earnings…