For those of you who really know me, you know that I spent a good two years hosting a movie trailer show called “The Big Tease” on ReelzChannel (circa 2007-09, aka “before babies”). Back then, I saw every movie, every trailer, interviewed every celebrity… I LOVED IT. I’d been a lifelong celebrity-and-movie-junkie and I was…
Get Sleep: Cars are meant for more than driving. {VIDEO}
I don’t know what my deal has been the last few weeks… I’ve been beyond exhausted. BEYOND. If I didn’t know better I’d say I was pregnant again. But I know better, so that’s out. I can’t seem to get enough sleep… so here’s my latest and most fabulous trick for YOU to rip off….
FAST FOOD. Bacon+peas pasta.
Any day after Wednesday gets me baffled about what to make for dinner, mostly because it’s slim-pickins’ at my house round that time of the week. But in true make-it-work-people fashion, a fab mom can figure it out. So here’s what I tried for my testy toddlers on a whim. It worked! (They ate it.)…
The trouble with pageants…
In the middle of my older toddler finally figuring out how to spit in the sink (yeah!) I was recently a panelist for HuffPostLive again in light of Miss Utah USA’s most recent evening-gown guffaw that’s gotten everyone talking about whether pageants are still relevant. Feel free to watch the whole chat and see what I…
FUN. Drunk-shopping. (Fabulous.)
Recently I did another segment for Hallmark Channel’s “Home and Family,” this time giving tips about saving money at the grocery store (despite the mini-circus that I wrangle while seeking out generic products and Ralph’s Club Card discounts). However, if you’re looking for more tips on how to save money, THIS POST WILL NOT HELP…
FIND! UBOOLY Smart Toy Test & Review.
Who wants to keep their toddler occupied? Meet Ubooly. (Ooo-boo-lee.) ?!?!? I know. Funny name, but this little guy is a brand new educational toy that customizes to your child and talks to him/her. It’s an educational app (free!) powered by your smartphone that magically turns into an interactive friend when placed inside a cuddly stuffed-animal…
FUN! Club MomMe & Scary Mommy Friday June 14! (Los Angeles)
Time to get your fun on, moms… this time with the fabulously-notorious Scary Mommy and her new book Motherhood Comes Naturally and Other Vicious Lies. If you’re in Los Angeles and want a fab night out on Friday June 14, come get pampered with some wine, food, a mani-pedi, and incredible goodie bag and more and…