I’m the big sister in my family. Between my little sister and I: I had to hold the broken flower together at one of our many childhood photoshoots… I had an earlier curfew in high school… I got in trouble for stupid things (while she did not). Why does she get away with that? I’d…
FACETIME. Wife duties: How to get your husband to say yes. {VIDEO}
Going on a biz trip, road trip with girlfriends or just ditching out on regular life with your two daughters (to spend half-a-week at your parents’ house for out-of-town Grandma/Grandpa time) sometimes makes me feel bad for leaving my husband at home all by himself. Afterall, the guy would starve if I wasn’t here to…
FIND! Brighter.com: Tips for taking your toddler to the dentist.
I’m officially in dentist-mode at my house. Almost 3 years old, LadyP is at the official Dentist Age. I guess I’ve always have been in the mode though (given that my dad and uncle are both dentists). Not having any cavities growing up (to this day, baby!) was always almost as important as keeping our…
Parenting: Are strong girls really a good thing?
To say that I come from a family of strong women is an understatement. As a child, I remember my own mom ranting about how liberated she felt when she turned 40 (while igniting fearless confrontations of standing up for values she believed in). Both of my grandmothers are strong-willed with the things they say and…
FIND! weeSpring: Social shopping for new & expecting parents.
A real fab mom figures out what resource she wishes she had when she was pregnant, invents it, and then makes it available for up-and-coming new moms. I met one of these Real Fab Moms this week (thanks to the equally fabulous friends Sarah & Yvonne of MomsLA). Allyson Downey is a cool and charismatic East Coast…
Family Travel & Fun: Don’t think too much.
I’m a big proponent for thinking ahead, stopping while you’re ahead and preparing for things you don’t know you’ll need until you hit a spot when you need them (like keeping that bag of potato chips for 2 weeks in my trunk for no good reason… until my car battery died last week and those…
FIND! Tieks: Fab & sexy flats for fall.
Fall fashion, you are here! And I’m ready for new shoes. But I won’t sugar-coat it: I hate flats. HATE flats. So much that I’ve been known to wear high heels to toddlers’ birthday parties. (You think I’m kidding? I wish.) I am that idiot you see pushing a double-stroller in platforms. Can’t help it. I’m…