Every day, moms everywhere struggle with same issue: How to cook dinner with toddlers running amuck. (I know I struggle with it.) Well I’ve figured out my solution. BAM. Just like that. Fabulous. Don’t think for a second that I’m suggesting you include your toddlers in the daily cooking process… please. Much love and respect…
FIND! Itzy Ritzy Breastfeeding Infinity Scarf {giveaway}
All of you who’ve known me and been reading here for a while know how I opted out of the thing that’s seemingly pushed on encouraged for all new mothers these days. (I stand by my choice and I’m not ashamed to say that I didn’t nurse my babies… if you want to, do. If you…
FAST FOOD: Quick & Crunchy Quinoa.
Argggggg. DINNER. The word itself can be exhausting. I feel like I’m always in a rut. Not fab. So here’s something I threw together in a fit of desperation. CRUNCHY QUINOA (ok, only the celery’s crunchy). This is fit+healthy (protein!), fancy-foodie-like (feta cheese!) and takes about five minutes to throw together (minus the quinoa cooking-part, that…
Toddler Behavior & Parenting Tricks: Date your kids.
Don’t flip. This isn’t some freaky-deaky post like the title suggests. I haven’t jumped the shark. (Or is it, I haven’t jumped the track? The train? The cliff? I can’t even remember right now.) This post is happening in the name of setting toddler behavior back on track. What I have done is figured out…
FAMOUS! Jenni Pulos, ‘Grin and Bear It’
You all know how much I heart famous moms. Can’t help it. It’s my entertainment-journalist-meets-new-mom life. Showbiz is rough business and motherhood is a no-glam gig. As moms, we all get screamed at, cried at, whined at, yelled at in our home lives (I don’t want Cheerios even though I just asked for them!!!!). Our…
FIND! Daddy Doin’ Work’s got a new book!
Well, actually the book Daddy Doin’ Work: Empowering Mothers to Evolve Fatherhood drops September 2nd, 2014 (wait, do books ‘drop?’ is it albums that drop? I think I’m flashing back to my entertainment reporting days… whoops)… regardless, we can all GET EXCITED because here’s the cover, folks. Dun, dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-DUUUUUUUUUHN (that’s a fanfare): As someone who Carson Daly…
FUN! Fabulous DIY kid-friendly party table.
LilMiss is turning two! (?!?!?!?!?) A few days ago I had an early birthday brunch honoring her barge into this world with just family… which included 8 immediate kid cousins. How to turn my kitchen into a fun and fabulous kid-zone appropriate for brunching? Like this: I snagged a plastic tablecloth and ribbon and wrapped…