Mother’s Day. I’ve worked it. I’ve reveled in it. I’ve faked it. I once read a fabulous piece by Girls Gone Child that spoke to me… that made me think Ahhhhh I’m not the only one. And here it is coming up again: Mother’s Day (insert threatening music here). Trust me: I’m a fan of anything that…
FIND! Mixed Up Clothing (for girls & boys)
Bold prints. Comfy design. Moderately priced. Fabulous message. Let me tell you: I love me some Target and Nordstrom (like you all who visit this site don’t already know that) but Mixed Up Clothing for girls and boys is what’s happening on so many new levels I barely even know where to start. So I’ll just…
Fighting toddlers for strawberries.
Fight. Kids do it. Parents do it. Moms do it. Every day, we fight for our needs, our wants, to be heard. Lately I feel like I’ve been fighting and fighting and fighting (ridiculous reasons for recent frustration here). Include this in the ‘fail’ portion of this Fab-Mom program. Let’s start from this tale’s beginning: Recently…
FOCUSED. Stop. Find some roses.
Another fabulous family holiday came and went. It involved this: It also involved this (which I was so over-the-moon about decorating, it was almost disconcerting): And the past few days, I’VE STOPPED for a bit. I’ve done this before, I’ll do it again. Sometimes moms must dig deep and find our inner wisdom all by…
FUN! 3 Easy Easter Tricks.
While shopping for my Easter dinner ingredients, I saw a mom from my daughter’s preschool. She was buzzing around the produce section with 2 big and adorable glitzy furry purple Easter baskets. Hi! Hi! How are you? How are you? And so on and so on. We quickly chatted Easter plans right there next to…
FILOSOPHY: 7 Fabulous Fibs I Tell My Kids.
Every mom lies. Scary Mommy is a big believer in it. Even the most honest, open-armed, mother-Earth-to-all fib to their kids. I think it’s fine… fabulous, in fact. As mothers, we tell untruths to protect, to comfort or just to get our perfect little monsters darlings off our backs and quiet for 10 seconds. I…
FINDS! Fun & functional gifts for brand new moms.
Mother’s Day is on it’s way. Flowers. Candy. Brunches. Spas. Even jewelry maybe. But what if you’re pregnant and ready to pop a baby any second… or a hazed and fuzzy brand new mom with a newborn who still doesn’t know what day it is. Yeah. Happy Mother’s Day. Flowers are pretty but they ain’t…