What’s that? You’ve got toddler bedtime antics happening at your house too? Yup. It’s all fun at bedtime over here. With two little girls sharing a room at our place (one in a crib, one in a bed) we’ve got all sorts of wild things happening. Can you say “pile all the animals on top…
Princess Problems… SOLVED.
Ah, princess problems. I’m in it again, people: Call it a princess place. Call it a princess problem. Call it a PRINCESS PALOOZA. Literally, call it a Princess Palooza. Because that’s the name I’ve obnoxiously-coined for my first-born’s upcoming 4th birthday party. PRINCESS PALOOZA. For real. I’m teetering on the edge, folks… teetering on the…
Summer toddler activities that would get me trouble. #OurSummerJourney
As I shared the other day, summer was a bit bipolar. Ups, downs, in-betweens. Some good, some not. Hello, it’s LIFE. And as we know: Life is a journey. Roll with it. Just go. Handle it (that’s my mom’s favorite mantra from back in the day). With this summer came certain moments (or – MOMents –…
Life: Why 2 funerals made me want to party.
“Why are you doing this? What is the occasion?” asked someone close to me that I see on a weekly basis these days (don’t ask who it was, I won’t incriminate myself). At the time of the inquiry, I was due to have a last-minute party at my house in just a few days. I…
OMG. Am I pregnant again?!?
Every few months, I panic. There’s no logical reason for me to, but well, you know my history. I recently panicked thanks to my funny and famous friend (and fellow mommy maven) Kristin Cruz (the chick’s flippin’ hysterical and informative in the same breath… catch her new iHeartMoms podcast every Monday night if you can….
5 ideas for a fabulous wedding anniversary at home. With toddlers.
My five year wedding anniversary came and went. Huuuuuuhhhhhhh? I’m still confused about it. 5 years. 2 kids. No one was pregnant before we got married. ?!!? No wonder I’m exhausted. In an effort to make my husband’s daily homecoming from work a bit more, shall we say, ‘anniversary-ey’ on the exact date this year……
FINDS! Back-to-School supplies that slipped your mind.
Chances are, school already started for your kiddos. Chances are, you already bought and got all your back-to-school supplies. Chances are, none of the stuff listed below was on your list. Chances are, you’re gonna think the stuff listed below is pretty fun and functional. Here’s a fast & furious showcase of fabulous back-to-school supplies that…