Be spooked. Be scared. Be very, very wary… I’ve never really gone all that crazy for Halloween, but as my girls get older and more into the costumes (and candy! lollipops! chocolate!), I’m learning how to say “Boo!” a whole lot better than years passed. Us parents need super-stealth Halloween tips these days. Wicked is as…
Skipping out on mom-duty: You done it?
Since the beginning of this online lifestyle experiment of mine (The-Fab-Mom) I’ve made it a point to try to not complain when the goin’ gets a little rough in the realm of day-to-day motherhood. I’ll admit to having a freakishly-high level of tolerance when it comes to feeling tired or just plain moody… but when…
A Mom Lesson, by celebrity dad Josh Duhamel.
Nothin’ like getting schooled by a handsome actor (that you used to interview about his movies) in front of your kids. Yeah. Actor and celebrity dad Josh Duhamel (aka: Mr. Fergie) recently schooled me. He schooled me goooood. I say this with the biggest smile on my face and sincere gratitude. Way to teach a…
Teach toddlers to read? Sure. With babyfonics genius™
Ever tried to teach toddlers to read? To teach your tots their letters? I have. I am. I now realize: I’ve been spoiled. SPOILED. Spoiled by my first-born (LadyP… all four years of her now). Since the day she was born, LadyP instantly acted like a little woman – a lady (that’s how I came…
5 (naked) fitness tips to do before you shower.
Ooh la la! Naked fitness tips?!? It’s a scandalous day here on The FAB Mom. Ha! Made you look. What… you were hoping for a video?!? Ok, let’s call it semi-scandalous. (Semi-scandalous is when you tap into your news reporting roots to come up with a headlining ‘tease’ to grab the viewer’s attention but then kinda fail…
Toddler Birthday Parties: Crowns, Rules, Lessons & PSXO!
The baby that inspired this blog is now officially four. FOUR. That means I’ve been at this blog-thing (I still call it a blog-thing, as though I’m not sure if I’m going to stick with it or not) for the same amount of time I spent at high school. Or, for the same amount of…
Paranoid Parenting: Stop freaking out, moms!
This morning, my two year old LilMiss accidentally took a quick swig of milk from her sippy that was chillin’ on our couch from the night before. (Yes, it’s presence slipped past me and I accidentally forgot to throw it in my dishwasher last night.) I saw her walking around with the cup after breakfast,…