I love decorating. LOVE decorating. (Y’all know that.) Lights and glitter and silver and gold make me happy happy happy. Sorry, they DO. I unexpectedly got extra-inspired by Disneyland‘s over-the-top holiday decorations from our recent family trip (no joke). All it took was the tree that reached a million miles high to the sky when we entered Main…
Mickey Mouse, Holiday Magic & Major Therapy.
HOLIDAYS. Holi-DAZE. They started with me feeling emotional, tired and NOT VERY NICE. (Trust me, I’m about to slap myself for being so woe-is-me.) The flat tire that found me on our return from Thanksgiving weekend – with two sick toddlers in the backseat, in the middle of nowhere, all by myself – was the most…
A stress-free Thanksgiving? 7 life-changing tips.
I heart Thanksgiving… always have, probably always will. It’s the only holiday that totally revolves around FOOD — and nothing else. No gifts to shop for and lose your mind over at the mall. No extra responsibilities or crafting projects that you have to cover on account of ‘getting the holiday done successfully’ (like Easter…
FUN-lanthropy! Holiday giving for Mending Kids. #MendingKidsLove
FUN-lanthropy = The art of learning about, educating your friends and giving back time and/or money to a charitable organization that does real good in our big bad world… while having a blast doing it. (It should be noted that this word was fabulously invented by TV personality and Board of Directors member for non-profit Mending Kids International, Dorothy Lucey.)…
3 must-read lifestyle tips for new moms!
Have we all decided when the ‘new mom phase’ ends yet? Is it when your youngest turns 1? Your oldest turns 5? Both kids are potty trained? No clue. I still feel like a new mom… a more experienced new mom (now that I’m officially four years in), but still… a new mom (hey, my youngest is…
My 5 fabulous healthy eating tips for toddlers!
I swear… trying to get toddlers to eat good, whole, decent food is a pain in the you-know-what sometimes. Ok, a lot. (Or is it just my picky toddlers?) Let’s talk about what my 2 year old LilMiss says the second she wakes up in the morning: Mama I want chocolate. ?!?!!?? Excuse me? Since WHEN…
FAST FAMILY FOOD! Pulled pork for days…
What’s for dinner the week? (Again). Sick of this question and need of some fast family meal ideas? (Yeah.) Meal planning experts recommend making things easy on ourselves and cooking a big ol’ pot of somethin’ at the beginning of the week that you can reinvent and serve for days. Gotta admit I don’t do…