It’s no secret I’m a longtime fan of moms faking our way to fabulousness… but did you know that I also fake it like this? Surprise. (OMG.) For the first time ever: Meet the REAL me… This is not a test. I repeat, this is not a test. Do not be confused. It’s me. The REAL ME….
5 (semi) controversial life lessons from Mom.
My mom’s a piece of work… in the best way possible. Practical. A Pep Talker. Realistic. Happy. Fun. Beyond Capable. Takes No Crap From Nobody. She’s actually the Real Fab Mom — focused, fun & fabulous after having babies. (I’m just pretending to be because I bought the URL and put my picture on the home page…)…
Mother’s Day wish list: Consider yourself warned.
Dear everyone (especially Husband), Last week you asked me if there was anything in particular on my Mother’s Day wish list. I said No, don’t be silly. I lied. Here’s what I’d love for Mother’s Day this year. (You asked, so please don’t be confused when you read it in print.) The following requests have been…
How to get more family time at home…
An FYI: I was provided a sample of Homejoy home cleaning services for purposes of this post. All experiences are mine, all opinions are my own. Homejoy encourages busy parents & professionals to enjoy #MoreSpring (and less cleaning) this season. Take advantage of a $25 discount on your first cleaning: visit through May 3, 2015. It hit me as I was literally…
Top 3 tips for faking supermom status.
The other day I got a most sweet (and, ego-feeding) text from a longtime friend. “You really are supermom” it read. (Aha! I thought, Another one fooled!) My head wanted to fly off right then and there and do a million summersaults high into the air and then land on my feet with an Olympic landing,…
Armenian Moms: Step up our parenting.
Armenian moms are hot in the news these days. Kim Kardashian in her red pantsuit at one of the most somber memorials on the planet… Kanye West performing IN Yerevan, Armenia’s Swan Lake… The Pope declaring in front of God and everyone that 1915’s atrocities against the Christian citizens of then-Armenia were in fact genocide. Who knew it’d take…
Faith After Babies: Believing in more…
Easter. (Already?) ‘Tis the season to sit on the floor and chomp on Jelly Bellys all day with your daughters. Or dish up experiences on how to build a bird’s nest cake so that your family can think you’re more fabulous than the Easter Bunny. (How’s that for a fab mom moment?) But if you’re Christian: Happy…