Our first day of real school is… DONE! Yeah baby. My baby! She’s growing up. Sniff sniff. (Kindergarten teachers everywhere are rolling their eyes right now. Apologies. Turns out I’m that kind of mom. Who knew. I’ll be over it soon.) On the big day, everything went exactly according to plan… We woke up early….
New Mom Body: Top 3 Finds to Bounce it Back!
Pregnant or have an expecting friend? Forget about giving new moms swaddle blankets, baby swings or stuffed animals for her soon-to-precious bundle. Give her something she’s going to WANT. Give her something for her new mom body… to get her body back. Here’s the thing: Whether or not she full-on admits it, there’s a part…
Lip service you need to know… and tell yourself.
Resilience. I’m fascinated by it. Turns out it’s an actual science that’s, like, studied and stuff. Very cool. Bouncing back from life’s fails that we essentially have no control over is a tricky thing to navigate. A twisty turn in life can sometime force you into coping with grief, regret, confusion, shaken confidence, tentativeness and all kinds…
10 (teacher-requested) things to teach kids before Kindergarten.
OMG. The Kindergarten countdown is here. I feel like our Ladybug Picnic birthday party just happened! (But maybe that’s because I just re-lived and re-hashed the superpower it unleashed for me back then in my new book for first-time moms…) Back to starting school: The other night I had a dream that it was my first day…
Fails & Forward-Motion. #ConnectHER15
Anyone else have a love/hate relationship with fear? (You know I do.) Sometimes I hate it. Sometimes I love it. Sometimes I don’t know what to do with it (or what to think about it) until I write a blogpost about it. My husband also likes to scare the crap out of me with all…
Toddler Sleep Routines: UNfabulous fails.
It ain’t workin’ folks. The sisters-sharing-a-room thing just ain’t workin.’ Mostly because the sisters happen to be best buds who can’t seem to be in the same room without giggling with each other (especially during bedtime). Fabulous, but also not fabulous. And I’m no sucker here. Sound the alarm, we’ve got a parenting fail in…
FEAR (After Babies).
Just for today, let’s pretend that ‘The Fab Mom’ actually stands for ‘Fear After Babies’ (as opposed to ‘focused after babies’). We’re going deep here. Starting a conversation about parenting through fear. Hang with me. It’s not as fabulous or fun, but fear is real. We all have it. We all fear it. (See what I did…