Ha! Title made you look, didn’t it? That’s what you call a sneaky tease to get you to read. More on the gas pump fail thing later. First? We’ve got serious safety issues to talk about. Starting with… Ali Landry. Seeing her name, I used to think: 1) Doritos, 2) Unbelievably gorgeous hair, 3) The first…
How to look hot at school’s morning drop off.
Mornings are not my favorite. Most of the time, I pull my hair back into a ponytail and smash sunglasses on my face so that I don’t embarrass my girls too much at school’s morning drop off. I mean, we all know I have hair issues. Because moms can be embarrassing. Yes we can. Not…
C-Section births: Tips for new moms. (Get over it!)
Who knew I’d give birth to another baby right after a C-section? I’ve realized this month marks the unofficial 5th birthday of this blog. ?!!?!?!!?!? Let me say that again for extra effect: ?!!?!?!!?!? My older daughter turns 5 very soon… and she was the original inspiration and motivation to begin this living lifestyle experiment of mine to stay…
Tricks for road trippin’ with toddlers.
Traveling with toddlers. Not exactly something any of us jump up and down at the prospect of doing. But against all fighting odds, I’ve kinda turned into a pro over the past 5 years. Since each of my girls were just a few months old, I’d singlehandedly load us all up for bi-monthly three-hour drives…
Parenting: Yes, I make my toddler do chores.
How to keep a home fabulous? Put your toddler to work. (You think I’m kidding?) Doing chores happens at my house. It’s the only way. I mean, my 3 year old LOVES picking things up and jumps at the chance to put her toys back into the pink storage bins in her room. YEAH. RIGHT….
Mommy Wars: Stop attacking my TV reporter friend.
Mom friends go to battle for each other. So I’m going to battle for one of my mom friends. You’ve watched that recent viral video of a Los Angeles reporter who “made the pre-Kindergarten kid cry” on the first day of school? She’s one of my mom friends. I’ve even written about her on this…
Get in bed. Now.
Gotcha! Get your minds out of the gutter. You well know this is not *that kind* of website. But I am going to ask all sleep deprived parents to get in bed. I’ll make this short and sweet: I’m pretty sure my activities this last week have now attacked my tonsils and are purposefully trying to take me…