Claiming to have fabulous new mom beauty tips to keep us lookin’ hot all most of the time with a newborn is kinda like saying you’ve trained a dog to speak Spanish… it’s just not going to happen. But what’s that old saying? Oh yeah. Never say never, nothing is impossible. (But yes, I know, teaching…
Valentine’s Day: Celebrate yourself for free.
Love, love, love. It’s beautiful and sweet and absolutely life’s most precious commodity. Guess what else is one of life’s most commodity? YOU. Yourself. That chick in the mirror. Not to get selfish and egotistical… but yeah… our own families’ worlds kinda do stop spinning should we get sick, take a break, temporarily get overwhelmed or just freak…
Working Mom Challenges: Pinkeye, Pink Champagne, Pink Birthdays.
Happy Birthday to me. Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me-eee, Happy birthday to me. Why so egocentric? Because I’m telling myself I deserve it in the name of conquering working mom challenges, bouncing back and being resilient. We all deserve a little ego boost now and then. Yes, I’m talking to you. Sometimes…
The secret support that keeps me smiling. {Belly Bandit}
Having a Baby = Joy, Pain, Love, Confusion. (Amiright?) But the love… oh the love. Can I get some new mom support? That picture was almost 4 years ago. Wow. Time has passed so fast. (Remind me to repeat that same phrase to myself the next time I’m screaming about how throwing toys is not okay to my now-5…
House Rules & Home Organization: 5 fabulous tips for order.
Most of us tend to throw home organization and house rules out the window with young kids in the picture. That makes me mad. Mad, I tell you. Well, I ain’t gonna take it anymore. No giving up allowed here. Not happening. No excuses. No way, Jose. (Well, ok, chaos and messes do happen here, as they happen…
28 hours in bed: The S-word moms can’t afford to miss.
I had 28 hours of it within a 48-hour period. Almost a full day of the most important S-word that every woman needs now and again. It was hot. I was delirious. I’ve been walking around with a goofy grin on my face all day… because I got some. I got some big time. SLEEP. Yes….
Kate Hudson stars in Kung Fu Panda 3 and teaches her sons girl power.
What happens when a bunch of bloggers are in the same room with actress and celebrity mom Kate Hudson? We learn how to Kung fu. (Ok… figuratively, but still…) No joke — after our chat, I walked outta that room one tougher mother. More powerful. More confident. More willing to wear my kids’ clothes. Hiii-YA! Kate…