Last week’s CBS Los Angeles‘ “FAB mom on 2” segment was all about kicking our minds into the right direction for how to get kids to eat healthy. This topic inspired by First Lady Michelle Obama and the 150 deserving, lucky-duck mom bloggers hosted at the White House last week. What? Don’t know what I’m talkin’…
How to have a sexy pregnancy? Maternity lingerie.
How to have a sexy pregnancy? Ain’t that the big question for mama-to-bes. Time to get your maternity lingerie on. Yes, it’s one of the perks of being pregnant these days. Let’s just get one thing straight: I never felt sexy during either of my pregnancies. I never took those ‘bump’ photos. I never strutted…
CBS Los Angeles: MomsLA discounts for summer camps.
Will we hit the Los Angeles summer camps scene this year? I’m thinking yes… thanks to my recent segment about what sneaky questions parents should be asking summer camps on CBS Los Angeles. I guess I’d better get crackin.’ A few of our top questions? Right here baby: Speaking of summer camps, did you know that…
CBS Los Angeles: Calling out kids’ bully behavior. {VIDEO}
It takes a village, it takes a village, it takes a village. As parents, we champion the meaning behind this phrase in the name of seeking and securing support from other parents to help us through our most rough days as moms and dads. Because, thanks to technology and all things social media life, parenting and how to…
The Big Four (Oh!)
What happens when your youngest child turns four years old? Might want to lookout for dead birds in your path. I mean it: Lookout! The other morning I found a dead bird on the walkway that extends from our house’s side door. I was loading my girls into our car to drop my older daughter at…
Secret’s Out: Social Media Teens & Toddler Truths. {VIDEO}
Wanna know a secret? I don’t have all the answers… nor do I trust anyone who claims they do (especially when you’re talking about the topic of social media and teens). Yes, I’ve got young ones… and just like all the rest of us, I sometimes screw up too. Damn, motherhood. Damn. Which is why…
CBS Los Angeles: Work it. Werk it.
Work, Work, Werk. That last word there’s a newbie folks. The young hip ones know it, the people of another generation just thought I made a typo. It ain’t a typo. It’s a real thang. (No, not a typo there either. And no, I haven’t become a rapper.) Why do we work? To make money…