Maybe Mother’s Day got the best of me… My latest segment on CBS Los Angeles was about offering sneaky tips in the name of encouraging spouses to help more around the house. You know, so we all don’t burn out as women. (Too late?) Was this inspired by Mother’s Day? An overextended me? Maybe and maybe….
Talk, Read, Sing: FLASHBACK. {First 5 California}
These days, we do a lot of talking at our house. (Nonstop, actually.) Singing and reading are frequent too. It’s how we’ve rolled since the beginning. Mostly because I didn’t quite know what else to do. How to kill time with a newborn and then how to make the day fly by with two babies…
CBS Los Angeles: Go away guilt!
Guilt, guilt, go away. Come again… NEVER. Yeah, I’ve written about this all-encompassing wasted emotion before. (Still feel the same way.) So when Chrissy Teigen showed absolutely no guilt about going out on a date with her husband about a week after their first child was born, I thought: YES. WAY. TO. GO. Fun fact:…
I hate Mother’s Day?
This morning my husband (nicely) inquired: “What do you want for Mother’s Day?” during breakfast in front of my girls. I rolled my eyes, kinda scoffed and said “Oh please. Don’t even. I hate Mother’s Day.” And then my LadyP snapped her head at me with her mouth open and said “You hate Mother’s Day?…
Beauty for moms? Do these 8 things. #BeautyIs
Thanks to Dove, the epic Mom 2.0 conference and the incomparable beachside stunner that the Ritz Carlton Laguna Niguel is, this past week provided big lessons about what beauty for moms is. I learned about #BeautyIs, to be exact. Hashtag it on Twitter because it’s a major thing. And it’s especially powerful for this mom of two young daughters……
#MothersDayMoms: The big picture with Garry Marshall.
It’s official: Legendary director Garry Marshall has made a bunch of big pictures and he also sees the big picture… especially when it comes to women. This Friday, April 29, his latest, charming flick “Mother’s Day” opens with a star-studded cast of… well… moms. Julia Roberts plays a single career woman, Jennifer Aniston is an overextended…
CBS Los Angeles: You posted what about my kid? {VIDEO}
Mind your manners, moms. Especially online. This includes myself, as I know I can get a bit bossy about social media for parents. Listen, I’ve had my share of offenses (like that time I got blasted by a slew of moms in a Facebook mommy group, saying how I’d violated their privacy by sharing happenings from…