Six years. That’s how long it took me to get my darling husband to come with my daughters and I on our annual family holiday tradition — our Christmas tree hunt. I was raised a tree-snob and have been hell-bent on passing the tradition (that makes me feel closer to my own family and childhood every…
BLINK! Fast & fabulous family pictures…
DISCLOSURE: I was offered a complimentary photo session for fast and fun family pictures at my local BLINK, Inc studio for purposes of this post. All experiences and opinions are mine. Confession: I hate taking pictures. That’s not a lie. But, as we know, pictures have become THE driving force of our conversations these days…
CBS Los Angeles: Don’t fret about this holiday stuff.
I hate Christmas? Nah. Not really. It’s just that I hate the ridiculous RUSH of the holidays. And for whatever reason, moms are pretty much the only ones who feel it (at least this is true in my world, with my circle of friends and family). The mom prepares the food, gifts, decorations and whatever…
CBS Los Angeles: Holiday gifts & ungrateful kids?!
What’s that? Sometimes kids can be ungrateful when opening holiday gifts? No. (Gasp.) Never. How to raise grateful kids who appreciate each and every gift they may get in the era of me-me-me and get-get-get? Smack ’em over the head. (Just kidding. Kinda.) Truth be told, my girls are really good girls — sure, they…
Holiday Shopping: Kick Back & Give Back with TOMS
DISCLOSURE: TheFABMom was compensated for purposes of this post. All opinions and experiences are mine. ‘Tis the season for holiday shopping and giving back. I’ve been thinking a lot about what it really means to give. Well, let’s see. According to Google (ha. where else would I look?) here’s what I found ‘give’ to mean: v….
Girls Day Out: Shimmer and Shine with Nick Jr!
DISCLOSURE: I was compensated for attending this event sponsored by Nick Jr. and All thoughts and opinions below are my own. Boom Zahramay! (Did I spell that right?!) Those are the hippest magic words around these days thanks to two genie sisters named Shimmer and Shine. I should know. Because I have two little…
CBS Los Angeles: Give your kid a knife?
It’s Thanksgiving week as I write this… and man, am I HUNGRY! I’m also reminiscent and thankful for many beautiful things this past year — family always takes the cake, but career and friends are coming in a very close second these days, gang. But let’s get to how to cook safely with kids in…