DISCLOSURE: This post is spooktacularly sponsored by Disneyland Resort, Mickey’s Halloween Party and The Twilight Zone™ Tower of Terror at Disney’s California Adventure. TheFABMom was provided tickets for purposes of this post, contest to win 1-day park-hopper passes and social media sharing. All opinions and experiences are mine. [THIS CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED.]
Fear. It’ll get you. It gets me. Every time. The further into mom-mode I find myself, the bigger the fear grows. Especially when it comes to trying new things. Fear about what? Oh, feeling older. Getting boring. Looking tired. Doing something that’s going to injure myself in a way that will affect my kids. You know, the usual and unthinkable that comes with raising kids these days…
The ongoing mission to reignite carefree experiences from my youth is getting more… shall we say… frequent… on account of trying to resist all those irrational fears that sneak into moms’ brains, that is.
By now, you might know that Disneyland is my go-to happy place. With my husband and kids. With my parents. By myself. I’ve pretty much done it all — Space Mountain, California Screamin’, Snow White’s Scary Adventures in Fantasyland. Everything except The Twilight Zone™ Tower of Terror at Disney’s California Adventure.
No way. That thing is tall. That thing drops, like, a zillion feet. And you’re in what’s supposed to be an elevator. Free falling? Trapped? Out of control? For how long?!? I don’t care if a ton of people love it… no way. Let’s go to Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride instead.
But not this time. Oh no. This time, I faced my fears. Let’s just say Mickey inspired me to do it thanks to Tower of Terror’s ‘final check-out’ happening in the next few months. (I also mom-ed up on account of being there with a group of bloggers specifically gathered to experience the terror together… wussing out would’ve been downright embarrassing and unprofessional). And, it was my last chance…
That’s right kids, no more spooky and weird hotel Twilight Zone shenanigans after January 2, 2017! Guardians of the Galaxy will be taking over the Tower with a whole new look, feel and storyline… and yes, there will be a big drop. But still. Tower of Terror was going away and if I wanted to ever do it, this was my only opportunity left.
I walked into the Tower’s lobby with the group and looked around. Old furniture and cobwebs everywhere. A random doll that, I swear, glared at me. Creepy. (But good, right?)
And don’t get me started about the stairs we had to go up, up, up and the eerie airy elevator shafts. (I was very proud of busting out my camera and snapping this particular shot from the rail I was near so fast while waiting in line…)
Oh. And then came the elevator. We were supposed to get in that thing. “Welcome…” the voiceover echoed from somewhere. (What is it about a ‘freight’ elevator that makes it so… spooky?!)
My mom shoes stood on the number ‘2’ and waited my turn. My tummy flipped-flopped. I’ve never been on a ‘drop’ ride and I wasn’t quite sure I wanted to ever try one. But there I was. (This is a good sign. I have 2 kids….)
What was I scared of? Stupid things. I don’t even know. Well, okay: I was scared of the free-fall thing. I was scared I’d be holding on the handlebars and konk my head on the side of the metal compartment we were sitting in. I was scared I’d get nauseas and feel like my head was going to explode because my body was no longer used to jarring rides like it once was. I was also scared of being in total darkness.
Oh yes. Did I mention? This ‘final check-out’ gimmick before the Tower closes in January is that you ride the ride in total darkness! Blackout!?!? No light in, no light out. True terror, if you ask me.
And oh yes, I was also worried I’d soon want to throw up that delicious frosted Maleficent Rice Krispie treat I’d just chomped on with my daughter before heading to the Tower to free-fall to my own demise.
Oh hell. I’ll just close my eyes and be done with it.
NONSENSE. GET ON THE RIDE AND MOM UP, LADY. F-A-B cannot turn into meaning ‘fear after babies…’
I stepped on. I sat down. I buckled myself in. I tightened that buckle again. I tucked my small purse under the buckle to make sure I didn’t lose it while dropping to my death. I grabbed the handles tight. The metal doors slammed shut with an echo. We went up. We stalled. We dropped down. We rode up some more. We dropped again. I screamed. I smiled. I hung on like mad. I laughed. I opened my eyes. I closed my eyes. I did not throw up. My head did not explode.
And, I opened my eyes. Face the fear.
I will say: There is a HUGE FABULOUS AMAZING REVEAL in this ride, that I had no idea existed before experiencing it. But you have to keep your eyes open. Bravery is sometimes rewarded with beauty, folks. At the highest levels and with the most spanning views. (That’s a major hint…)
That’s the funny thing about fear, isn’t it? Forging through your own fear, eyes open, sometimes reveals the most beautiful surprises.
Our freight elevator of terror finally settled and we unbuckled. My mom shoes stepped off and I scurried back to my kids. I was a different person. I was better. I cringed when I thought back to how nervous I was minutes before. Post Tower of Terror, I suddenly felt younger, more fun, happier and more alive. (Who knew I was such an easy thrill?) I’m so glad I did it. No fear. Especially not at Disneyland.
Thanks, Mickey. You know how to party like a mother alright.
Want to win tickets and experience the Tower of Terror yourself?
To win four (4) free 1-day park-hopper tickets to Disneyland and Disney’s California Adventure, leave a comment below about why you’d like to visit the park with your family. To conquer fear? To celebrate a milestone? To take three of your mom friends on an adventure and leave your kids with a sitter for once in your life? Tickets must be used at parks by November 1, 2016. Tickets do not include passes to Mickey’s Halloween Party (are for parks only). Contest open to anyone within continental United States. Entries must be received by Friday October 14, 2016, 11:59pmPT.
Halloween Time at the Disneyland Resort is open through Oct. 31. Traditional Disneyland Halloween-themed attractions add to the spooky magic of the season with Haunted Mansion Holiday and Space Mountain Ghost Galaxy. For 17 special nights during the season, families can trick-or-treat in the ultimate neighborhood at Mickey’s Halloween Party. New thrills this year are the “Frightfully Fun Parade” and the appearance of the Headless Horseman at Mickey’s Halloween Party. HOWEVER, Mickey’s Halloween Party nights are completely sold out for this year. Mark their calendars for next July, when tickets are likely to go on sale for 2017. You may still join the fun online #HalloweenTime for Disneyland Resort Halloween posts and photos. Follow along on Twitter and Instagram @Disneyland.
Hello beautiful happy strong brave people! All of your comments have rocked my world this last week… I’ve laughed and cried and felt happy and inspired.
The winner (randomly) selected for the four tickets is… (drumroll):
Congratulations Anna Borgeas!
I will be emailing you… NOW.
We would love to win these tickets! My husband and I had our honeymoon here 40 years ago and would love to go back! We were so young I was only 18and couldn’t afford an elaborate trip, but both love Disneyland. Please pick us and we could take a few of our grandchildren too! Thank you ?
to celebrate an accomplishment!
FABdad checking in… Love the page Jill! 10 years ago I proposed to my wife in the courtyard between downtown Disney and the Grand Californian. Made us both feel like kids again, I remember all day worried about the ring as we went on each ride, and then how excited we felt that night to tell family and friends. That is a memory never to forget!
Flash forward, and we are married with kido about to turn 5 on Nov 2nd. I would like nothing more than to re-experience Disney in a whole new way, through the lense of my 4 year old. The 4th ticket would mean grandpa could come and maybe mom and dad slip away for a nightcap to the place I asked her to join my family!
Love your site, the show, best to whomever gets to enjoy one on the most magical places on earth!
I would love to be able to (sorry son) ditch the baby with Grandma and take our daughter and her friend to Disneyland. This year has been so crazy for her, with me being pregnant and hospitalized for months then suddenly having her baby brother three months premature, she’s been such a champ adjusting and I would love to be able to tell her on her birthday (the 26th) that SURPRISE BABY we’re going to Disneyland, like….today! Thank you so much for the chance!
I’ve lived in Southern California my whole life and never been to Disneyland in the fall. Combining the excitement of Disneyland with the fun of Halloween, and then sharing that with my girls would be the experience of a lifetime.
I’d love to win! My kids have never been to Disneyland and we LOVE Halloween! Our favorite time of year. With school, sports and activities keeping us busy 24/7 this would be a great opportunity to get away and show them that hard work and dedication pays off. They deserve some fun, family time!
I want to visit to celebrate my son’s birthday there
I would love to experience this with my son before it gets changed! Definitely need to conquer my fear!!!
It would be a wonderful birthday gift for our daughter Natasha she turns 8 on the 27th and has never seen the California Adventure side. Good luck to all ?
Because we love Disney and have only been there once since living in CA for 7 years. This year my boy asked to go there for his birthday. It’s the first time he’s ever made a birthday request. He’s turning 8 and has high functioning autism. He’d love to go celebrate his Fall birthday with Mickey and friends ☺️
To share the adventure with my 5yr old. He finally is facing his fear of people dressed in costume. He says he wants to try Disneyland again because they all dress in costume. I would love for him to stand up to his fear at the happiest place on earth. Plus I really want to go on all the rides. Big kid at heart.
I want to take my daughter to experience the happiness that I grew up enjoying. To me it still is the happiest place on earth. I would pick Disney over many other trips. The problem is my daughter will not grow up enjoying it often like I did. We used to go all the time! It used to be 22 dollars for Southern Californianew residents. Now it is something she might go to 3 times in her youth maybe. Something we will have to save for. Makes me sad that something that should be eveyone is no longer for everyone. At least she will grow up enjoying all my Disney stuffed animals. I saved them all!
Thanks @JillSimonian !!! I’m entering for my BFF my other sister from another mister , who doesn’t have money for herself and her 4 kids… I can buy a ticket for me and her. I want her to have the memories for her and her children. She’s a single mom working 2 jobs and busting her butt for them and this would mean the world for her and them!! I would really like to surprise them and do this for her!! I’m an only child, so they are my family and my only chance at being an Aunt ❤️. To see the smiles on their faces and the magic I experienced as a child would be incredible!!! #HalloweenTime #fabmom #disneylandherewecomehopefully
I would love to take my three sisters on a ‘sisters only’ Disneyland weekend. We all have mom life/work life running us ragged and it would be amazing to just have some ‘us’ time! They are my forever BFFs ❤️ Love you Jen, Mel & Sam ❤️❤️❤️ Hope we win!!
What an amazing opportunity! You are so generous!
Would love to take my kids to Disneyland!! We have an almost 10yo daughter, almost 4yo daughter and my son who just turned 1 on October 1st! He just adores Mickey and what better way to celebrate his 1st birthday! Mishka mooshka Mickey Mouse!
I would LOVE to win!! The last time we were there my son was way too little for this ride and so he and I waited outside the ride for my hubby and daughter while they went. My little guy didn’t feel too sorry for himself though… He proceeded to put his hat upside down on the sidewalk and perform “stunts “in hopes of earning money like a street performer! However, since that day my daughter has told him stories about the ride and he is dying for his chance to experience it. Now that he’s bigger I’d love to give him that opportunity!
October 31, 2014 I found out my treatment plan for breast cancer – 4 months of chemo followed by a double mastectomy and reconstruction. I was 37 years old and my littlest just turned two. My oldest was not quite four.
Needless to say my world rocked.
That night my husband and I went trick or treating with the kids (I was a jellyfish!) and I vowed that come next year, I would be wonder-woman. Because to get through this, I would need superpowers.
The weekend before I was to start my chemo, my husband and I took my oldest to Disneyland. It was magic. Because it was middle of November, the park was beautifully decorated for Christmas. He was filled with wonder and I was full of hope.
That Thursday I started my battle and I am happy to report that for Halloween 2015 I did indeed rock a wonder woman costume!
Halloween now holds a special place in the calendar of my life. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to celebrate life (and Halloween!)with my family in Disneyland – the happiest place in earth!
Thanks for the consideration!
What an amazing opportunity! Thank you so much for being so generous. I would totally love to win those tickets. My son turned 16 years old last week and he wanted to go to Disneyland, but unfortunately the cost for tickets are too expensive for us. We both love Disneyland. The Happiest place on earth! Thank you, thank you ?
My boys really want to take me for my birthday and see if they can scare me. Ha! They always take me somewhere crazy for my bday that they love and I….well, love being with them. Tried to get tickets, but sold out. What should I have them do to win tix for me? They say they are up for the challenge. They think they can scare me, but I’m tough! Bring it on!
For my family, it would be an amazing trip to actually get that special family time we all need. Work, school, & sports/dance doesn’t leave much free time. This would be a great & very gracious gift for our little family to connect & have fun at the same time.
Hi. What an awesome opportunity to experience the Tower of Terror at Disneyland with my twin daughters who are now 11. The last time we went to Disneyland was when our girls were 7 and couldn’t go on any of the “Awsome” rides because they were so little. Here is to winning and creating beautiful family memories!
This FABfamily wants to take a very Fabtastic little boy to Disney for the 1st time! He’s overcome some big obstacles in his 1st year of life. We want to celebrate this Fall season with our Family of 4! ????
I’d love to go and experience Disneyland with not just my two kids and husband but also my niece and nephew. And an extra four tickets would mean I’d be able to pay for mine but share the gift with family. Nothing is better then feeling Disney magic and making family memories! Loving seeing my kiddos make memo with their cousins.
Hi Jill thanks for doing this, I would like to win these tickets but give them to Carolyn West so she can take her daughter for her 12th bday.
I’d love to visit Disneyland with my family because I have a teenager, and The Happiest Place on Earth is one of the few places in his mind where it’s OK to still be a kid. Disneyland is the maker of magic memories and my family could sure use a few more of those!
Hi Jill! This comment represents the fab moms of college and high school kids! The truth is I would be as excited to take my 21,20, and 17 year old daughters to Disneyland now as I was when they were little girls in princess dresses and sparkly shoes. The relationships we build with our children over the years does grow and mature, but it’s so funny how we don’t FEEL less mom-ish, less excited about seeing their happy, excited smiles. I offer this as encouragement to those moms that are feeling that as their kids get older they will lose the “magic” of things like taking them to Disneyland. Yes it’s different, but wonderful in its own way. The looming threat of the empty nest is daunting to be sure, but magical happy memories don’t end, they change and, in many ways, deepen. So send the Ballew Fam to Disneyland, and don’t be surprised if Madison, Mallory, and Maycee wear sparkly Mickey ears and stand in line for princess autographs ?❤️
I am 32 years old and have NEVER been to Disneyland! This would be a great experience for my husband and I to have. I am the most fearful, anxious person I know. Some of the fears I have, keep me from getting promotions at work, traveling and doing things as simple as jogging in my neighborhood. These past 2 years I have been trying to face some of these fears. A road trip to Vegas, several job interviews, and things as little as going to the grocery store alone. Unless you live with anxiety you will never truly understand it. I am a new mom and am taking steps, without medications, to battle this on my own. I want to teach my daughter what real strength looks like. To go to Disneyland, or any theme park would be a huge leap for me!
My girls and mom and I would love these tickets! Ever since my dad passed away suddenly, we have been looking for experiences to celebrate life together! Love all you do Jill!!!
What an amazing giveaway! The kids have been wanting to go to Disneyland for a while now. This would be a blessing for them because they rarely get to see their Dad because he is always working (Deputy Sheriff for LA County) and also they have been scared lately for their Dad from everything that has been happening lately within our Le enforcement family. This would be an awesome mood booster and temporary escape for us all! Thank you for the opportunity.
We have been once when my son was 61/2.He is now 8 and really appreciates spending time with family and friends. He lOves his sports as well.To surprise and celebrate Halloween and the season at Disneyland would be an amazing gift that he would appreciate it.
Thank you for doing this.I am sure whoever wins will have an amazing time.
I think we are finally at the age we would be able to do this.reminds me of my childhood.
I’ve heard nothing but great things about Disneyland at Halloween time BUT have never gone during this season. I would love to take my family including my little one (almost 2yrs old) who has never been. She loves Mickey & Minnie.
Our girls love ❤️ all things Disney! They are at that perfect age (3 and 6) where they want to be Disney princesses when they grow up. This experience would be a dream come true for them.
I can’t even remember the last time we went to Disneyland. It’s been so long, my 9 year doesn’t remember either. Tickets are crazy expensive. And our lives are so busy with school and church events, there’s honestly no time. Our free time is spent volunteering, so we haven’t made a plan to go to Disneyland in quite sometime. If we won these tickets, it would be so wonderful to just spend quality time with our family, with no stress and nothing but fun! Plus the last time we went, my nine-year-old was afraid of a lot of the rides. This would be a great time to conquer those fears!
We are grandparents on a limited budget, and would love to treat our two little granddaughters (ages 3 and 6) to a day at Disneyland. What better place to make magical memories!
Have not had a family time for a LOOONG time due to my busy schedule (2 jobs, school, charity) Would love to take a day off with my family…just to enjoy each other’s company in the happiest place on earth :))
I need to ride Tower of Terror one last time. It’s my favorite ride. One trip years ago, my girlfriends and I went on TOT 4 times in a row. I also think I need to go to the park and have a girlfriend get together.
I need to ride Tower of Terror one last time. It’s my favorite ride. One trip years ago, my girlfriends and I went on TOT 4 times in a row. I also hope think I need to go to the park and have a girlfriend get together.
Hope to WIN…I miss Mickey & Minnie…Ohhhh and my boyfriend Goofy.
I’m about to kick off my year of stepping outside of my anxiety to experience things I’ve done before (Disney Parks…so many times)and things I’ve never, ever done before. I haven’t been to Disneyland since my hospitalization earlier and my subsequent stabilization this year and am prepared to challenge myself to take a slower pace through the parks I love so much, wait in the lines without a rapid heart rate and go on these thrill rides to see if/how the thrill may have changed. ::crosses fingers::
To celebrate my 40th with my family!
Disneyland for my 3-year-old Liam would make his birthday so special. He said we could take his big 8-year-old sister too, and bamma can come too 🙁
Because I want to be happy
As a mom of four kids, I am always looking for opportunities to build memories 1-on-1. I live the idea of taking my daughter and another mom-daughter combo to celebrate that unique bond. Thanks for the opportunity!
My Son’s turning five and he hasn’t been to Disneyland yet. It would be nice to celebrate his 5th birthday at Disneyland with our family.
I’ve always wanted to see Disneyland when decorated for Halloween! I’m going through a divorce and don’t have a lot of extra money and it would be a perfect trip for my sons and I to have some new happy memories together.
I know this sounds crazy, but we have only been to Disneyland twice in 13 years since we had kids. Because my oldest son has Down syndrome, it’s always a struggle for us to figure out how to divide the family and go on certain rides when he doesn’t want to go on them. And although he is 13, he can’t wait by himself, and he gets tired easily, so we only stay about half a day. I sometimes wish they would sell half-day passes!
Any opportunity to go to Disneyland is a celebration in of itself however, given the opportunity to go during the holiday season is epic. It’s the most wonderful time of the year, almost magical and I would love to win that experience.
It’s been a rough six months. We need a good scream!
Hi Where should I start should I start by saying I and my husband work very long hours and have no time to spend with our girls and this could be that time where we could actually do something with all 4 of as that it’s just been to long that we have spent time with our girls just breaks my heart that we have to work so many ours and not enough time with them.
I would really like to surprise them.
To take 3 of my mom friends and leave the kids at home sounded like so much fun but my heart didn’t even allow me to go far with my imagination ? I will visit with my kids the tower of terror before it shuts down.
Just discovered your blog through a friend that shared! 8 would love to win tickets for my family. I am coming up on my 4 year wedding anniversary this October 13th! We also have a two year old who I know would LOVE to go see Mickey and Minnie! I’m currently pregnant, due in December, and this would make a great little family getaway before number 2 makes his grand arrival. It would sure make my son feel special. Thanks for the chance!
We have never been to Disneyland during Halloween! We would LOVE to see all the spooky decorations and ride the Tower of Terror before it closes! Thanks for the opportunity! 🙂
I loved Disneyland as a kid but haven’t been there in years!
Disneyland is THEE best place on earth! I would love for my little ones to experience the magic for themselves. My littles adore all that is Disney channel and they would flip their lids at seeing their characters in real life.
So proud of you for conquering your fear, also in total darkness that is beyond terrifying but I am up for the challenge. My hubby and I were just discussing, we are such bad parents, (j/k)we haven’t taken our 2 year old daughter to Disneyland ever. (We took my son when he was a year old and well I guess life caught up to us. Now that my father in law passed and my mother in law is living with us, money has become that much more tight for us and we can’t buy tickets to Disneyland. This would truly make this mommas year, and my kids would be beyond thrilled as well. Thank you for being so kind. xoxo
As a mom of 5 Disneyland is a pricey venture. My oldest 18th birthday is on Halloween. I would so love to take him and a couple of his friends for a Halloween birthday extravaganza he won’t ever forget. And by the way your blog is awesome. Says exactly what is moms are thinking!
My daughter is 6yrs old and my son is 4and They have both never been ??? I totally owe them a trip! These tickets would mean the world to me and we would be so appreciative. Every kid deserves to see the magic of Disneyland! Thank u!
Hey Fab mom aka Jill, I’m entering this contest in hopes to win these tickets to take my children and husband to have Halloween at the house of terror. My oldest son is 4 and is crazy about Halloween and anything scary. He has a disorder called Apraxia and has trouble communicating with his words buy loves to sing Halloween songs. He loves scary rides and would enjoy this very much.
I would love to take my 3 kids to see the Tower of terror! I would love to see the park decorated spooky for Halloween.
I would love to take my two kids (ages 6 & 4) to celebrate Halloween. We’ve never been to Disneyland/California Adventure during the holidays and I know they would LOVE it! A fun vacation with my husband and kids sounds amazing.
OMG we miss Disneyland so much. With our big family we just can’t afford to go anymore. Our littlest one has never even been to Disney! We would LOVE to celebrate our 13th wedding anniversary on the 19th of this month at Disneyland with our family!
Remember behind every Fabmom there needs to be a Fabdad to love, support and lift up. As a matter of fact sometimes we forget about the Fabdads in the lives of our kids.
These tickets would mean the world to my daughter who is turning 12 on November 2. She’s been hoping to do something special for her birthday and we just can’t afford to take her to Disneyland right now. This would be the best surprise birthday present ever!
I’d love to visit again as a special memory for my son. He’s autistic and this was his favorite ride ever at the parks. We used to go weekly, even though lines and crowds were his least favorite thing. We’d head to Tower of Terror first thing every single visit, where he’d scream and laugh like never before. During the Year of Dreams, we were picked from the crowd to ‘open’ the park, walking with Andrew, a CA employee who let us carry the parade banner and ride Tower of Terror alone. When he turned around and realized the crowd was behind us, he smiled, made his best eye contact and was like WOW. He felt SO special. I cried and I still get tear-y when I think of that amazing day. I’d love to take him on it one more time before the ride closes! (He’s obviously still autistic but he’s a verbal, ‘high functioning’ straight A football-playing student who has come MILES from that day at Disney and I know it would mean a ton to him to attend again.)
We love Disney and Disneyland and California Adventure. Our family loves Tower of Terror and are very disappointed that it will no longer be. We would love for the one last opportunity to ride it before it’s gone forever. Thanks for the opportunity to hopefully when this prize. Happy Halloween ?
My family would love to experience my reaction of screaming and cry my eye’s out and good heartedly laugh at my reaction. Lol
Are you kidding me!! Why of course I love Disneyland and can’t wait until my next venture out…when I’m rich and famous that is, since tickets are soooo expensive I’ve taken my son out there once in his wee life of 8 years now, and that is thanks to a former Disney employee and their comp tix. Besides that, I am a mom survivor of eight years and DESERVE a little fun with my mommy buds, also survivors and warriors of mommy hood in their own right. That, and SOMEONE I know just turned 50!!!! No, not mickey, but ME!!! I know, I don’t look it thanks to growing up in that good ol chi town humidity and being holed up and out of the harsh effects of the sun 10 months out of the year for 19 years. Ok, without boring you TOO much about my life, I also need a break with my gal pals and some serious fun on my favorite roller coasters and Disney characters and refresh my memory on the whole Disney experience before my 60th birthday (soon I’ll be sixty years old) when ticket prices will be so out of this world, even space mountain won’t take us far enough away from our troubles. Sincerely, desperate, and nothing left to loose type mommy itching to go to the greatest place on earth and possibly even twirl a baton with goofy, before becoming an AARP memmber.
Would love to bring our son for his first park experience
Hi Jill, I’m such a huge fan of you, your family, and your blog! Thank you for this amazing opportunity!!
I would love to take my family of 4 on a trip to Disneyland for Halloween. The last few months have been very tough on all of u because we sold our house and have been living with my parents for 2 months now. It’s been incredibly stressful for my husband and I, but more for my 7 year old daughter and my 3 year old son because all normal routine has been thrown out the window. There’s constant tears because they miss their rooms rooms and toys and they’re both homesick. We’re all HUGE Disney freaks and this trip would definitely help bring happiness and laughter back into our lives for a day 🙂 It would also be an incredible stress relief for all of us, but mostly for my kiddos who are having a very difficult time adjusting to the new lifestyle.
Praying we are chosen ??
Thanks again for this awesome opportunity!
Regarding park hoppers Disney passess 🙂
Hello, I would love to win tickets and take my son to Disneyland for his Birthday!!! Thank you so much!!!!!
Hi Jill!
Thanks for giving us other FAB Moms the opportunity to win Disneyland Tickets. Well, my reason for requesting tickets is because I OWE it to my son, Austin, who just started Kindergarten. We recently took his little sis for her 4th birthday (he got to go for his 3rd) and we told him we would all go back if he did well on his first month of school. Well, after a rocky first week, he managed to pull it together and come home with “good-day” stickers every day the last three weeks. We are so proud of him and would love to reward that positive behavior with a trip to the big D! I can’t even tell you how stoked he would be, and us too.
Appreciate you, your blog and your consideration!
I would love to take 3 deserving mamas to Disneyland! I have some great mama customers who never get a break and never just get to be themselves! Moms sacrifice all of who they are for their Little’s and really need to let loose sometimes and have a good time without the guilt. Moms also do not spend money on themselves often! I would love these tickets so much to share with some amazing moms ! Also October 14th is my birthday so just for that I should win. Just sayin! Thanks Jill
Would love to win these!!! My almost 5 year old asks every day ” when are we going to Disneyland” or “are we going to Disneyland today?” It would be such a nice surprise for her!
My husband will be away from my baby and me for a long time next year and this would be a wonderful chance for us to do something special as a family before the hard time is upon us. She’s 15 months old and has not yet been to Disney. She loves rides and characters and we would love to share the magic of Disney with her and create happy memories to help tide us over during the time daddy is away. Thanks!
I would love to win my kids have never been to disneyland this would be an Awsome opportunity to have some family fun if we win we would greatly appreciate it my oldest is 18 middle child 15 ad my little guy is 9 and they say your never to old for disneyland?
“To take three of your mom friends on an adventure and leave your kids with a sitter for once in your life?” Bam! <— This. All of this.