How to talk to children about tragedy? So much for having a peaceful Holy Week. #PrayersforBrussels. This week on CBS Los Angeles, we discussed a few mindful ideas for teaching our kids to have media smarts during tragic breaking news:
As I mentioned, I always go to non-profit organization Common Sense Media and heed their fabulous insight when it comes to topics like this. But, in light of seeking more comfort, support and information via moms on social media leading up to this segment, I discovered a gem of a resource to help parents and kids cope with the emotions that come with terror and tragedy:
Sparkle Stories: Three Stories for Holding Our Children in the Face of Terror.

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Or rather, a gem of a Los Angeles mom (who I’ve never met, but am connected to via Facebook) shared this most valuable resource with me. Thank you, oh beautiful and sweet gem of a Los Angeles mom.
I wasn’t aware of you before this recent support-seeking quest of mine, Sparkle Stories, but know that you’ve offered something very, very special to many families across this country. I adore you.
Moms and dads, CLICK ON THAT LINK ABOVE. These sweet, age-appropriate tales, that tackle frightening situations ending in a settling and comforting way, can calm your fears and make you feel secure.These stories made ME feel better… so I’m passing them along to you and your loved ones.
Spread the love. Pray for peace. Bless us all and give us hope.