Did ya happen to catch Hallmark Channel’s “Home and Family” morning show today? Yup, I was on it… talking about what I now sometimes talk about these days on TV: baby stuff, infant safety, and new-mom-things-you-all-need-to-know..
And all while taping I kept thinking: A year ago (exactly… like, to the minute almost), I was naked, freezing cold and lying on my back in a hospital robe as LilMiss was being delivered.
What a difference a year makes. (Whoa.)
So between memorizing my product talking points on set (which my mom-brain did end up forgetting the technical term of a key item if you saw it… hey don’t judge… we all have our off days), I watched host Mark Steines playfully busting his adorable son’s chops about having a cool new haircut (like any fun dad does) and got a glimpse of host Cristina Ferrare snapping pictures with her GORGEOUS (did I say gorgeous?) 23 year old daughter on the sidelines. Whaaaaaaat? Their kids are at work with them? That’s pretty fab. Fab that the set’s a family atmosphere and fab that their kids seemed well-behaved, nice, smart with good heads on their shoulders (Cristina’s daughter fessed up to me about how no cell phones are allowed at family dinner… and that she actually likes it so that she can talk to her family). But the best part of my
spying observations was that each of these parents looked like they’re genuinely close with their kids (and vice-versa). It all could’ve been a big fake show, but I’m usually pretty good at calling out BS. This was ***NOT*** BS.
And as I was
spying observing all this real life family stuff with professionals I admire and their own kids between takes, my new-mom emotions got a little weepy. (Ok, I had to go re-do my eyeliner. Yes, I’m a cheeseball.) But it just hit me: My LilMiss – turning 1, TODAY – will be all grown up like these kids in no time (so will LadyP, for that matter). I’m ‘done’ with the baby-stage in my life. DONE. Feels good… but also weird. The last year – TWO years – have flown by and they are going to continue to fly. (Cristina said on set that she has 7 kids… hmmm… maybe I should try that? I’m kidding Mom.)
So the moral to my big behind-the-scenes story is: I may’ve been there to remind new parents about baby products and safety, but I was the one who got the tutorial. Thank you, Mark and Cristina, for REMINDING me to enjoy my little teeny tiny moments that happen before my eyes from moment to moment… the 2-year old tantrums, the fussy-baby spaghetti shenanigans, the daily tug-of-war with who’s turn it is to play with our Elmo doll.
Here’s to a to f-a-b-u-l-o-u-s first birthday, LilMiss. (And for making me a little bit more fab, focused and full of love just by being you.)
Love the show Home and Family. Love Cristina’s hair. Where does she get it cut and styled. I live in Southern California so I would be close to Los Angeles area. Please let me know as soon as possible.
[email protected] or call 714-850-0495
Thanks and kind regards.