I put it off for as long as I could, and then I broke down: What am I doing with all these barely-used and too-small baby clothes still in my girls’ closet? Time to cleanse… time to GIVE. ‘Tis the season.
Last weekend, I purged most everything that either of my girls won’t ever fit in again (well, almost everything… of course I was compelled to keep a few fave itty-bitty outfits to show them how stylin’ they were as babies years from now). I would’ve wept as only a mom could (at the evidence of my babies growing so quickly), but the closeted mess I’d let get so out of control just embarrassed me. So there were no tears. Instead, there was lots of holiday love and motivation to gift my gently-used items to Baby2Baby (thank you Momangeles for bringing this org to my attention weeks ago!). Knowing that our outgrown clothes will be directly donated to children in need right here in my LOCAL community makes me so happy. And ’tis definitely the season for THAT.
So, YOUR rainy day challenge this next week is this: Cleanse those miniature closets before the holidays get really crazy. Do some good in your own community and give to the kiddos that need it. In return, you’ll just feel good (no need to recount how it really does feel good to give to others and contribute to our own local communities… we’ve all experienced that). But I will remind you of the added bonus: Not having to do a 15 minute search to find the clothes that actually fit your tot in their own closet and avoid serious Santa Claus disasters. Fabulous.
So get in your closets and get out and give! And take your kids with you…. it feels goooooood.