I’ll just get it out of the way now: My recent – FIRST – trip to the beach with babies did involve nakedness. Not mine. Theirs. But it was only for a split second. We had no other choice. It was either lay down and be naked for a minute, or watch poop seep out the sides of their diapers and onto the sand for an even grosser mess. (Is ‘grosser’ even a word? WHO CARES. We spent the day at the beach!)
The ocean breeze, the sand, the crashing of the waves…. turns out it’s a lot easier to change a diaper at the beach that you’d imagine… so I did it twice. Maybe it was beginners luck? I don’t care. It worked. Screw trying to find a bathroom with a proper changing table. Lay down on the towel right there and DO IT FAST. I’m talking F-A-S-T. If you move at lightening speed, your sand-sticking is minimal, your toddler-wiggling is minimal, and your embarrassment to even be changing a diaper at the beach (alongside hot young teenagers and a smokin’ tanning couple) is minimal.
Yeah, a beach day took effort, but LadyP’s emergency-grade scream of “OH MY GOSH!” when she saw the ocean for the first time outweighed any sort of challenges the day provided (and trust me, pushing my double stroller up and down the hilly streets to get from the parking garage to the sand was CHALLENGING). You can do it. You will survive. Don’t be a woosy-sissy. It’s not that big of a deal. Make the choice to make the effort, don’t complain and get on with your fab day.
Also, DON’T BE AFRAID TO TAKE RISKS. Some of our risks included:
Abandoning our only stroller near a garbage can so we could walk down the stairs onto the sand and enjoy a few hours near the water. Don’t fret, I kept my eye on it and it was there when we returned. But don’t blame me if you try this and someone steals yours. (THIS is why I buy cheap baby equipment).
Taking the carseat down to the beach and not being a prissy-miss about whether or not it would get sandy. (Really, I only did this because we had no other choice. If someone stole the stroller, so was it… but you can’t drive a baby back home if someone jacks your carseat. So onto the sand it went. Guess what: It was FINE.)
Other risks: No, I didn’t pack a million extra outfits. (LilMiss had an extra onesie and LadyP had nothin’. I figured if we ran into a situation that required changing, everyone could ride home in their diapers.) No, I didn’t pack a zillion snacks (unless you count a small box of raisins and a few graham crackers). No, I didn’t pack a ton of toys. Everyone was happy. There was no drama. It was fun for two whole hours (until we had to get back on the road to avoid LA traffic). THE MORAL? DON’T BE A PRISS. I’m finding that the less of a big deal you make of things, the less drama your kids will pick up on and instigate. If you freak out about spare outfits, dirty clothes or sandy feet, then so will everyone else. The mom sets the tone. A phrase that I always think of [whenever attempting something that has severe potential to go haywire at any moment… like, taking 2 babies to the beach] is: “Stupider people than me have done this.” It inspires me to handle anything.
One risk we DIDN’T take? Going alone. I’m all for doing things by yourself, but take a fab Grandma with you the first time you take those babes to the seaside. It does make the diaper-changing a heck of a lot easier.
I haven’t tried it but I heard baby powder will get the sand off. I’m definitely trying it next time. We’ve changed quite a few diapers on the beach too. We too a lot of stuff though. Too much. It’s not so bad going down but it’s exhausting on the hike back to the condo or car for that matter.
I agree with you. There are so many situations I’ve been hesitant to attempt but didn’t know what we’d do without my husband going…sometimes it goes fine. Sometimes it goes great! Sometimes it goes south. Hah. But if you don’t try …you won’t know this. And each time you’ll figure out how to make it easier.
If you can handle a light beach umbrella I recommend it. Sometimes it’s a pain but it gives us more time because we can catch a break from the sun.
I have 3 kids now! 5 1/2, 2 1/2 and 6 months. I’ve only taken the oldest 2 (my girls) and next year we’ll try with the baby. 🙂