Last week, everyone thought I was sooooo lucky to be in the same room as Robert Downey Jr (thanks to the press conference for his new movie The Avengers, in theaters May 4).
Let me tell you something: HE was the lucky one. Not because I’m so fabulous… but rather because I totally forgot to shower that day. Lucky for him, he was seated faaaaaar away from me.
Not even your Iron Man suit could have protected you, Robbie. Or anyone else in the room for that matter.
Yes, I blame my unsanitary mishap on my newborn and toddler. Their small but time-sucking shenanigans made me forget about my cleanliness. (And I know it’s happened to you too. Don’t think I don’t know.) Wait. Did I forget to shower the day before the press conference too? Maybe not. But I think so… maybe. I don’t know. The days run into each other now and are all so mushy. I do know for certain that I remembered *not* showering that day on the way to the event. My hair was done, my makeup looked fab, my heels were on… but crap I forgot to shower. O.O.P.S. I was so grateful for one of those tiny perfume samples thingys stashed in my car so that I could shield my Au-de-Jill from whomever I might run into.
And who did I run into? Just about a hundred journalists and a cast of some of the biggest movie stars in the world… and a few former colleagues that I respect and adore. Of course we were all squished tightly together in press conference style seating… with what seemed like extra-small chairs. All I kept thinking was: Don’t lift your arms. Don’t lift your arms. So I didn’t, and I think I may have pulled it off. But if any of you happen to read about a strange odor sifting around in The Avengers’ press conference on the popular entertainment site The Seven Sees… now you know why. Sorry you had to sit next to me. (But thanks for snapping my wacky picture! Now you know what it’s for.)
Look for my stories & reviews for The Avengers on Hollywood Hot Moms and BlogHer’s Entertainment section in the coming weeks!