Viva Las Vegas! Booze. Wild sex. Hangovers. All of which I had nothing to do with on this recent trip. It was the most controlled and sober Sin City experience I’ve ever had (and hope to have, for that matter). Thank you, Baby Bump.
But I did have lots of fun. Mostly thanks to Hubby, but also partly thanks to my fitted white tunic, stretch pants and thigh-high boots. Why opt for fitted and white (the most arguably unforgiving combo for a preggo ever)? To make my delicate state more obvious, of course. How are others supposed to go out of their way to help you if your pregnancy is not shoved in their faces?
Not only did my tight white top prevent eager tourists from cutting in front of me at the top of the Paris Hotel’s Eiffel Tower (allowing me to get the best seat on deck for watching Bellagio’s magical fountain show from above) it also prevented cocktail waitresses from asking me if they could get me a drink… all while garnering looks of “What is that woman doing here in Vegas if she can’t enjoy it properly” from surrounding gamblers and passers-by. The tight white top also got me a free ride on The Deuce, Vegas’ fabulous shuttle bus that runs up and down the Strip. Usually $5 for a one-way and $7 for a full day’s pass, I rode for free during my day of sober shopping. Allow me to quote the busdriver: “Don’t worry about it [paying fare]. Just get on.” Of course I said thank you… and bought a one-way pass after my ride was over just to keep my karma moving in a positive direction. Would he have noticed my pregnant belly had I not made it so obvious in a tight white top? I think not.
Other necessities that added to my own entertainment and enjoyment during my sober Sin City stay? A humongous faux fur coat (that my Hubby lovingly calls, The Bear) and a massive pair of sunglasses. It’s the little things that get you through the hard times.
You look so great, you are making me want to be pregnant all over again. Just have to remind myself that I tried to pull off white when pregnant, but failed. miserably.
Good luck!
Aw thank you!!!! But remember, the magic of taking a picture is that you can get EXACTLY the right angle that flatters you… be wary of what you witness, my friend!!! haha!
Love this, Jill! That shirt paid for itself. Sounds like you had a blast in your own way, “Vegas-style” be damned.