And I thought my little one was too young to lose her flower. Ha. A warm & sunny November day in LA plus a stir-crazy Mommy can add up to a never-before-had trip to Southern California’s Descanso Gardens (right here near our home). Don’t get any crazy ideas: I am NOT a ‘nature chick.’ My idea of getting outside is shopping at The Grove. But part of staying fabulous is trying new things, right?
It all started so nicely. We parked under the big and fabulous pink tree. We met real life fishies (yes, fishieeeeeeees!) for the very first time. We pointed and screamed at them. Notice our pink flower headband. (Just because you are going to see flowers doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t wear one yourself. It’s not where you’re going, it’s how you look when you get there people.)
We (I) pushed a 23-pound toddler and a stroller up a steep hill – surrounded by thick, beautiful green brush – to keep our (my) a$$ in shape.
Feeling very nature-y, I looked to my left and saw a deer. About 10 feet away from me. Antlers and everything. No gate, fence, or caging of any kind. He/she was just kinda walking around. I gasped. My heart stopped. I pushed that stroller up that hill even faster. My a$$ was really hurting now. (Is this thing going to attack us? So much for being nature-y. Screw that.) I then realized how cool it was and scrambled for my camera, but was too late. Use your imagination. Here’s where he/she was:
I swear I wasn’t hallucinating. I collected myself, kept pushing on and looked down at LadyP…. sans her pink flower! Where was it? Not in the stroller, not behind her, not hanging around her neck. Did she eat it? Nooooo. She looked at me blankly. I refused to lose our pink flower to the Descanso Gardens deer. Damn that wild animal. I turned around, pushed my a$$ back up that hill and found this:
I imagine that with all of the drama, LadyP flung off her own flower in a fit of panicked excitement that went unnoticed by me (because I was too scared of being eaten by the docile deer).
It was a fabulous day.
I see deer all the time where I live. I’m not so concerned about them attacking me, as I am concerned about them running across the road and hitting one with the car. Those guys cause a lot of damage.