Some dads I know like to revel in a huge celebratory extravaganza to recognize how Father’s Day is their day, but a lot of dads I know just want to be left ALONE. Not in a bad way, but in a “I just want to do things that I never have time to do” or a “I just want some peace and quiet down time today” way. So for those daddies, just give them what they want: no screaming babies, no nagging wife, no noise to ruin their inner chi. Leave them alone in PEACE with EarPeace. No, these aren’t hearing aids for old guys going deaf, but they do block out noise and protect hearing for the long run. Let Dad don these when he’s working in the yard, asleep on the couch, installing a new faucet in the kitchen or just working/playing on his computer. EarPeace reduces sound pressure by 75 percent while maintaining sound fidelity (so hearing isn’t muffled… making it possible for him to really still hear you if absolutely necessary), is totally discreet (comes in three different skin tones), is totally legit (tested by Michael & Associates, the leading independent lab in the country for measuring hearing protection performance) and totally affordable at less than $15 a pair.
Purchase a pair for the papa in your life at AND get a 25% DISCOUNT — for TWO pair — by using the code Fathersday25!
And when Dad’s done with ’em, steal ’em for yourself to quiet that crying baby or whining toddler.