According to Urban Dictionary, “Fresita” is a name that Mexicans tend to use when describing girls that are ‘hard to get with’, usually pretty and always get what they want. As in, “Yo, check dat fresita… She hard to hit.” (Can any of my Latino friends verify?) However: MY Fresita is actually easy to hit.

Although I used to enjoy the stiffest of cocktails with the best of them, on occasion I now find it difficult to drink even such mild indulgences as regular wine. It can sometimes taste so alcohol-ly. (Friends that knew me in my 20s will be shocked/devastated to hear me admit this.) This is my new, mild, Mommy-wine.
It tastes like strawberry KoolAid, is fizzy like a 7up, and makes me very happy on a warm spring night. I think it will make any other Mommy happy too (if you have a sweet tooth like me). It’s not cheap, but it’s not that expensive: Through a Google search, I found it being sold for between $12-18 at shops near me. And, made from 100% natural strawberry pulp and no added sugar, it’s light enough to serve at a baby shower (for all NON-pregnant guests!). You’re welcome… and enjoy! I certainly will…. in about an hour (after my little baby goes to bed).

I love adding a little sparkle to my wine- a little champagne to my sangria.
Will definitely check it out!