What are your plans today? Just when I thought today’s activities would consist of me plus a peppermint latte at a screening of the new movie Unknown (for some interviews I’m doing Saturday), my sitter called me and said her car wouldn’t start. I felt bad for her… and also bad for me. I can catch tomorrow’s screening, but staying home today means that I have to deal with this (close your eyes, Mom):
I’m not proud of it, people. Unfortunately, this is the situation that LadyP has had to deal with in her nursery (aka: our nursery/guest-room/mini-office)…. her crib is just to the left of this picture. This mess has been on my take-care-of-this list since before Christmas. Chalk up my inaction to limited space and a lack of drawers (ie: no place to put this stuff!) and no spare time for me to do something about it! (Yes, all of Mommy’s spare time is spent taking care of the rooms that people actually live in… in my defense, the rest of our place looks GREAT!) This, however, is the underbelly of my self-proclaimed fabulousness… my skeleton in the closet.
NOW I KNOW: For the next baby, purchase furniture with drawers and clean out closets (so that there is EMPTY space… because it will fill up fast). Now I’m playing catchup, and I can’t catch up! I’m convinced that the Universe bribed my sitter’s car just so I would run out of excuses and actually do something about this pile. First step: getting off this blog.
What are you doing today?
Renee Nuthall says
SHOOT! I wanted to be your distraction today! Have fun tidying up:) xoxox