We do at my house…. afterall, they seem to be everywhere. I’m either turning my baby into a confused, delusional kid or a positively, imaginative child… you be the judge.
It all started about 2 months ago, when LadyP was almost a month old… she began cooing at NOTHING over my shoulder behind me. Whether we were feeding or just cuddling, I’d cradle her in my arms and she’d look up and stare just past my head, smiling and making gentle noises the whole time. Her face would light up and her wide eyes would be fixated on something. I kept turning around to figure out what it was. Was it the light shining behind me? Maybe she was passing gas? Maybe there was a ghost inhabiting my apartment that only babies could see (this especially freaked me out during those 3am feedings). To have a little fun (and comfort myself) I started asking in my very best mommy voice, “Are there fairies back there?” Afterall, fairies are friendly and I always thought that Tinkerbell had killer spunk. Having imaginary fairies flittering and floating all around my home seemed like a good idea. So, the fairy-talk continued… on and on. I’ve invented all sorts of tall tales about the tiny creatures and told them to LadyP. She seems to like it! When my sister witnessed my shenanigans she thought it was such a hoot, but also insisted that I’m encouraging LadyP to become as nutty as I am.
The sad part (recently) is that the fairies seem to come less and less these days. LadyP doesn’t fixate and coo over my shoulder as much as she did when she was truly a newborn (now, she actually reacts to real people instead of imaginary ones). I like to say that the fairies have gone to visit other newly-born babies that need them more. I guess my sister felt a little sorry for me, because look what she found for my little miss… some of “That’s Not My…” books by Usborne. Click this link to check them all out for your little one (to support your own wacky tales… from reindeers, to tractors, to pirates and more!):
Looks like we’re going to have to take a trip to the beach soon to find the mermaids…