What new mother doesn’t take advantage of the “I just had a baby” excuse? Yes, I too am guilty. In my humble opinion, it’s ok to blame your baby for your shortcomings, problems, mistakes, lack of judgement and whatever else you creatively see fit. Why isn’t the house clean? The baby cried all day and I couldn’t put her down. Who farted? It was the baby. Why is our fridge empty? I don’t have one of those dreaded Bjorn-things to be able to go grocery shopping with her strapped to me. Why don’t we have one of those dreaded Bjorn-things yet? It’s too complicated to take the baby out.
My question is: When does this free pass expire? After 3 months? After 1 year? When do my mishaps go from being excusable and understandable to just plain annoying? I know of moms with older children that still use their kids as an excuse for not cooking, not getting chores done, and just being plain unorganized. I’d like to be arrogant enough to think that I won’t be one of them, but who’s to say? Only time will tell.