Now that I’m back from a short hiatus from blogging, here’s a mashup of last week. What I learned:
1) I’m officially a grown up: Unfortunately I didn’t own up to this sooner, so it’s a bit of a sad shock. Introducing LadyP to my 2 grandmas, and then referring to my own mom as LadyP’s “grandma” was a head trip.
2) It’s ok to take a baby out of her carseat in LA traffic (if your husband is driving): Desperate times call for desperate measures. YOU try sitting in the backseat of your small car listening to a screaming & starving baby while going 5 miles per hour. Obviously I don’t recommend feeding on a freeway, but I did it anyways.
3) Flushing toilets are freakishly loud and scary: (This was one of my highlights.) Try changing your baby in a restaurant’s restroom and see what I mean.
Contrary to what I’ve shared above, my sister tells me that I’m a seemingly decent mom (or, a great faker): Prior to seeing my mommy skills in action, she confessed to thinking that I’d be like “a mother cat” who had children then heartlessly left them to fend for themselves. Thanks for the faith, sis. Glad I’ve proved you wrong.