I know that I’m a ‘virgin-mommy’ and that I’m probably paranoid about things that won’t phase me once my next kid comes around, but I’ll admit to having mental issues this last month. (What else is new, you ask? Ha.) On more than one occasion lately, I’ve acted like a real you-know-what to many sweet people dear to me because their toddler children have gotten too close for comfort with my pure, newborn LadyP.
Have my friends forgotten what it’s like to have a brand new, fragile life form that you’re responsible for keeping healthy? Does no one realize it’s flu season? Does no one else see their toddlers’ snotty, running noses and dirty fingers with germs under their nails? Does no one else’s pediatrician say “No toddlers around babies before the 2-month shots” like mine does? And don’t even get me started about the whooping cough. I get it, you all are over the newborn stuff, but where is the delicate respect for first-time moms like me?
Maybe I wouldn’t be flipping out if my pediatrician didn’t make it a point of repeating (several times) that she did not want my baby girl in close contact with toddlers until her vaccinations were administered. In the past few weeks, I’ve had 2- and 3 year olds sticking their faces and breathing within 4-inches LadyP’s nose, poking at her face and even holding her (with the assistance of their own moms!) when I turned my head for but a minute. “Hey hey hey!!!” I’d yell… “Step back!” My husband has been mortified (and a bit annoyed) from my behavior more times than I can count. I am sure that my own in-laws think I’ve been replaced by a crazy person.Do I care? Nope. I’ll continue to shamelessly snap until these offenders get a clue.
I was raised in a household that treated babies as fragile little creatures that you weren’t supposed to touch and prod without asking the mother in charge. After all, if my LadyP gets sick, they’re not the ones that will be dealing with it.
Maybe I should post a sign. Am I wrong?