So far, I’m getting the hang of this thing. I’m handling my baby, but I really looked at myself in the mirror today and did not like what I saw. UN-fabulous. I realize that this newborn phase will pass, and that I will return to some version of my old-self, but for now… here’s what annoys me most about my current state of Mommyhood:
I forget to brush my teeth. I forget to brush my hair. I’ve worn the same outfit for about 5 days now. I feel like I ask LadyP if she “pooped” more than I talk to my husband. I wipe my runny nose with my sleeve (or bare hand) while feeding her because I can’t get up to get a tissue. I fall asleep on the couch, drool, and don’t even care about the stain it makes.
Wow. Seeing these in print just now made me wince. I used to hear stories like this from other moms and think “What is their problem? Get it together!” How ignorant I was. No one is exempt from adjusting to a baby (unless you’ve got some wizard of a baby-nurse, nanny or maid… which I don’t). So, I’m telling myself now: Get it together, Jill.
PROMISE TO SELF: Wake up tomorrow, brush teeth/hair, change clothes and put a tissue in your pocket. No promises about my ‘poop questioning’ though… I expect that to continue for a while. Ewww.
Anyone else got any gross activity they’d like to share?