Did you know, the difference between this: and this:
is about 1 hour and $240? Or, if you break it down, $20/month for 1 year.
It’s true…. that’s IT.
I realize that my hormones make me extra-emotional these days, but this subject matter broke my heart before the whole pregnant thing happened.
More than 200,000 kids are born with cleft lip or palate conditions each year, which inhibit their eating, speaking, smiling and (sometimes) breathing abilities. Most kids in the USA get help fairly quickly, but then there are those in other parts of the world…
Children (and their families) in developing countries are not only miserable, but are also often shunned and outcast by their own villages/tribes because of this birth defect. My husband has seen this dire reality first-hand, as one of the volunteer pediatric plastic surgeons for Operation Smile (the non-profit organization that travels the world and corrects cleft lip & palates for these kids in developing countries).
Maybe this issue affects you in the same way it affects me?
Or, perhaps you are still looking for a worthwhile tax write-off for 2010.
Either way, think of this: You have the choice to buy some bull$#%! shoes, clothing, video games, etc, or you can give a baby a normal life for the rest of their life.