May lightening strike me RIGHT NOW as I write this.
After being mildly annoyed with my growing belly for the entire duration of 2010, I’m just now getting used to my “pregnant body” and am begrudgingly owning up to the fact that I will miss certain things once this 9-month watermelon makes its way out:
1) Everyone is nicer to a pregnant woman, and in a few weeks, I’ll be just a “regular person” again. Oops. Guess I missed the chance to really milk that one. Next time.
2) I won’t be able to *logically* eat ice cream for breakfast anymore, or bust open a bag of chips in the middle of the grocery aisle and chomp on them as I continue shopping.
3) I will miss playing “Watch the Bouncing Belly” with my husband in front of the TV. The fact that I’ve actually gotten the biggest kick out of seeing my entire tummy wildly move around from the outside (when the baby moves inside) is SHOCKING to me. This falls under the “If you told me I’d feel this way a year ago, I’d have probably told you off” category. To my disbelief, this has been the most fun part of pregnancy.
However, not being kicked in the ribs and tailbone, getting back on a treadmill (and into my old jeans), being able to lie on my back without getting lightheaded and gasping for air, ordering sushi, drinking cocktails and shaving my legs without feeling like I’m bending over a boulder should make up for all things. 🙂