I’m officially 3 weeks away from my due-date as of TODAY. (How did I get here?)
At this point, expectant moms usually read the prep books, setup the nursery, wash the baby’s clothes and clean (“nest”) like crazy.
Here are 3 additional things that friends told me to do to make the days/weeks FOLLOWING baby’s birth-day easier for ME.
1) COOK/FREEZE FOOD (as though I’m preparing for nuclear winter). My husband’s going to be hungry, I’m NOT going to want to worry about feeding HIM, and I don’t have the luxury of my mom being nearby to bring us home-cooked meals. (I can only digest so much takeout in one week!) Lasagnas, enchiladas and casseroles are easy to make and even easier for kitchen-impaired hubbys to take out of the freezer and pop in the oven all by themselves! (Not to mention, this gives you something productive to do when you get that final burst of energy at the end of your pregnancy.) Use family recipes, or check out Food Network (my FAVE!) for some easy fixes:
2) CUT OFF ALL INSIDE TAGS ON BABY’S CLOTHES/BLANKETS (after you’ve washed everything). They will irritate your baby if not removed. And, if you’re like me, this is tedious enough to make any crazy woman in nesting-mode feel like she’s just conquered the world.
3) WATERPROOF YOURSELF AND YOUR HOME. Breaking your water is gross. Wear a thick maxi-pad everywhere you go the last couple of weeks to prevent total embarrassment (I’m told it most likely won’t prevent some water from running down your leg, but it’ll help a little bit in case you’re at the grocery store or elsewhere when your water breaks). And, put some sort of waterproof pad on your own bed to prevent having to shell out hundreds of bucks for a new mattress just in case your water breaks in the middle of the night. (Ewwww… can’t believe I just wrote this.)